Thanksgiving Day
November 22, 2012
The Lord be with you
Today is Thanksgiving Day
in the USA. Many other countries have similar holidays, but
typically on some other day of the year. So, for example, Canada celebrates Thanksgiving on the second Monday in
For a Christian, every day
is a day to give thanks to our Triune God. However, it is fitting that a nation
set aside one or more days in a year to express their gratitude to God for his
many kindnesses. These mercies exist even in dark days. You just need the
spiritual eyes to see them. If we focus on these blessings, our hearts are
lifted. The old hymn surely had it right:
All depends on our
God’s abundant grace and
Though all earthly wealth depart.
They who trust with faith
By their God are not
And will keep a dauntless heart.
He who to this day has fed
And to many joys has led me
Is and ever shall be mine.
He who ever gently schools
He who daily guides and
rules me
Will remain my help divine.
Many spend their lives in
Over trifles and in getting
Things that have no solid ground.
I shall strive to win a
That will bring me lasting
And that now is seldom found.
When with sorrows I am
Hope anew my heart will
All my longing shall be stilled.
To His loving kindness
Soul and body I surrender,
For on God alone I build.
Well He knows what best to
grant me;
All the longing hopes that
haunt me,
Joy and sorrow, have their day.
I shall doubt His wisdom
As God wills, so be it
I commit to Him my way.
If my days on earth He
God my weary soul will
All my trust to Him I place.
Earthly wealth is not
Like a stream away is
Safe I anchor in His grace.
(Lutheran Service Book 732)
As this hymn indicates, it
is possible for us to lose our focus on Christ. Our prayers of thanks and
petitions for assistance can become self-centered. “God bless me, help me,
thank you for helping me, blessing me” or “God bless my loved ones, help my
loved ones, thank you for helping my loved ones, blessing my loved ones.” Now
it is appropriate to offer such praise and requests, but if that is all our
prayers consist of, then they are shallow and self-serving. They are not focused
on Christ, even if they are addressed to him. The “star” is really the person
offering the prayer. Below is a prayer from The
Lutheran Hymnal (page 110) which is an excellent prayer and can guide us
into a richer prayer life.
God, our heavenly Father, we, Thine unworthy servants, do give Thee most humble
and hearty thanks for all Thy goodness and loving-kindness to us and to all
men. We praise Thee for our creation, preservation, and all the blessings of
this life, but above all for Thine inestimable love in the redemption of the
world by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, for the means of grace, and for the
hope of glory. And we beseech Thee, give us that due sense of all Thy mercies
that our hearts may be unfeignedly thankful and that we may show forth Thy
praise, not only with our lips, but in our lives; that, walking before Thee in
holiness and righteousness all our days, we may enjoy the testimony of a good
conscience and the hope of Thy favor, be sustained and comforted under the
troubles of this life, and finally be received into Thine everlasting kingdom;
through Thine infinite mercy in Jesus Christ, our Lord.
offer unto Thee our common supplications for the good estate of Thy Church
throughout the world, that it may be so guided and governed by Thy good Spirit
that all who profess themselves Christians may be led into the way of truth and
hold the faith in unity of spirit, in the bond of peace, and in righteousness
of life. Send down upon all ministers of the Gospel and upon all congregations
committed to their charge the healthful spirit of Thy grace, and that they may
truly please Thee, pour upon them the continual dew of Thy blessing.
heartily we beseech Thee with Thy favor to behold* the President and Congress
of the United
and all others in authority
Use in the British Empire:
* Her Majesty the Queen of the British
Commonwealth, of Nations,
the Governor-general and the Prime Minister of our Dominion, as well as the
Premier of our Province, and all Governments and Parliaments, and all Judges
and Magistrates]
(If the user of this prayer is not a citizen
of the British Commonwealth or the United
States, those who govern their nations may
be appropriately remembered here.)
so to replenish them with Thy grace that they may always incline to Thy will
and walk in Thy way. Prosper all good counsels and all just works that peace
and happiness, truth and righteousness, religion and piety, may be established
among us throughout all generations.
humbly entreat Thee also for all sorts and conditions of men, that Thou wouldst
be pleased to make Thy ways known unto them, Thy saving health unto all
it please Thee to preserve all that travel by air, land or water, to help all
that are in peril or need, and to satisfy the wants of all Thy creatures.
also commend to Thy fatherly goodness all those who are in any way afflicted or
distressed in mind, body, or estate, that it may please Thee to comfort and
relieve them according to their several necessities, giving them patience under
their sufferings and a happy issue out of all their afflictions.
(Here special Supplications, Intercessions,
and Prayers may be made.)
us, most merciful God, in these our humble requests, which we offer up unto
Thee in the name of Jesus Christ, Thy Son, our Lord, to whom, with Thee and the
Holy Ghost, be all honor and glory, world without end. Amen.
May you have a blessed
Thanksgiving Day.
Pastor John Rickert