August 11, 2010.
The Lord be with you
In the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod you can find a fairly diverse range of worship practices. In my own circuit we have at least two congregation

This diversity has led to, or been an excuse for, what some have duded our “Worship Wars.” Much of the debate centers on the idea of “adiaphora.” Adiaphora are things neither commanded nor prohibited in Scripture. The debate can be heated and, at times, motives and believes can be attributed to others even when they emphatically deny such motives or beliefs.
I was pleasantly surprised the other day when I received a link to an article in the WorshipConcord Journal by James Alan Waddell titled “All Adiaphora Are Not Created Equally – A Response.” He was responding to a paper by Dr. Carles Arand that was delivered at the Model Theological Conference on Worship titled, obviously, “All Adiaphora Are Not Created Equally.”
I have read both papers and found them to be excellent examples of how to move this conversation forward in a caring Christian fashion, avoiding the posturing that so often accompanies such discussions. I commend them both to you for reading.
All Adiaphora Are Not Created Equally
All Adiaphora Are Not Created Equally – A Response
Blessings in Christ,
Pastor John Rickert
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