Commemoration of Isaiah
July 6, 2010
The Lord be with you
Lutherans, it seems, by nature are modest people. The American way of “blowing your own horn” just doesn’t seem to fit with giving God all the glory, at least for us. What this means is that what is accomplished by the Lord through Lutherans often goes unnoticed, even by other Lutherans. Let me give you a list of Lutheran groups to substantiate my point. Some you may well have heard about. Many, I suspect, you have not. All are reaching out with the love of Christ Jesus to a sin-damaged world.
July 6, 2010
The Lord be with you
Lutherans, it seems, by nature are modest people. The American way of “blowing your own horn” just doesn’t seem to fit with giving God all the glory, at least for us. What this means is that what is accomplished by the Lord through Lutherans often goes unnoticed, even by other Lutherans. Let me give you a list of Lutheran groups to substantiate my point. Some you may well have heard about. Many, I suspect, you have not. All are reaching out with the love of Christ Jesus to a sin-damaged world.
Alaska Mission for Christ
ALPHA Course (opps, this group is Anglican, not Lutheran)
Apple of His Eye
Bethesda Lutheran Homes and Services
Bible Outreach ACTS
Center for Asian Missions & Evangelism
Can-Do Missions
Creator’s Praise Ministries
Christian Friends of New Americans
Crossways International
Cross Country Mission Society
Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch
God’s Word to the Nations
Groups Ablaze!
Harvest Mission International
International Student Ministry
Japanese Mission Society
Koinoneo Independent Mission Agency
Lift High the Cross
Ongoing Ambassadors for Christ
Lutheran Blind Mission Society
Lutheran Lay Renewal
Lutheran Association of Missionaries and Pilots U.S.
Lutheran Laymen’s League (Lutheran Hour Ministries)
Lutheran Women’s Missionary League
Lutheran Deaf Mission Society
Lutheran Association of Missionaries Pilots, Canada
LATINO Mission Society
Lutheran Braille Workers
Lutheran Campus Mission Association
Lutheran City Ministries
The Lutheran Evangelism Association
Lutheran Mission of the Good Shepherd
Lutheran Prison Ministry
Lutheran Society for Missiology
Lutherans in Jewish Evangelism
Mill Neck Family of Organizations
MOST Ministries
Open Door Ministries of the High Plains
Orphan Grain Train
Oswald Hoffmann School of Christian Outreach
Peace Officer Ministries
People of the Book Lutheran Outreach
The Missio Dei Network
Recovery Assistance, Inc. Ministries
Transorming Churches Network
World Mission Prayer League
72 – Partners on the Road
ALPHA Course (opps, this group is Anglican, not Lutheran)
Apple of His Eye
Bethesda Lutheran Homes and Services
Bible Outreach ACTS
Center for Asian Missions & Evangelism
Can-Do Missions
Creator’s Praise Ministries
Christian Friends of New Americans
Crossways International
Cross Country Mission Society
Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch
God’s Word to the Nations
Groups Ablaze!
Harvest Mission International
International Student Ministry
Japanese Mission Society
Koinoneo Independent Mission Agency
Lift High the Cross
Ongoing Ambassadors for Christ
Lutheran Blind Mission Society
Lutheran Lay Renewal
Lutheran Association of Missionaries and Pilots U.S.
Lutheran Laymen’s League (Lutheran Hour Ministries)
Lutheran Women’s Missionary League
Lutheran Deaf Mission Society
Lutheran Association of Missionaries Pilots, Canada
LATINO Mission Society
Lutheran Braille Workers
Lutheran Campus Mission Association
Lutheran City Ministries
The Lutheran Evangelism Association
Lutheran Mission of the Good Shepherd
Lutheran Prison Ministry
Lutheran Society for Missiology
Lutherans in Jewish Evangelism
Mill Neck Family of Organizations
MOST Ministries
Open Door Ministries of the High Plains
Orphan Grain Train
Oswald Hoffmann School of Christian Outreach
Peace Officer Ministries
People of the Book Lutheran Outreach
The Missio Dei Network
Recovery Assistance, Inc. Ministries
Transorming Churches Network
World Mission Prayer League
72 – Partners on the Road
How many do you recognize?
Some of these groups are Recognized Service Organizations (RSO) of the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod, some are sponsored by a District of the LC-MS, still others are Lutherans in a specific area that have banded together, and some are efforts made by an individual local congregation. Some of these groups have a global focus, others have a regional focus, and still others have a specific slice of the demographic pie in mind. Some of these groups I am rather well informed about, others I know very little about. Due to the modest nature of Lutherans I mentioned earlier, I’m rather sure that I have only a small percentage of Lutheran groups that are reaching out with the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.
To help us become better acquainted with what Lutherans are doing, and perhaps even provide my readers with volunteer opportunities, I plan to post reviews of each of these groups on my blog. If you know of a Lutheran group sharing Christ that is not on the above list, you can post their name in a comment on this post, and I will see what I can do to post a review of them. Each of the above groups does have an internet presence and it is from that internet presence that I will draw most of my information.
(The Clip Art is from Christian Art: http://www.christart.com/legal/credits/)
Blessings in Christ,
Pastor John Rickert
Some of these groups are Recognized Service Organizations (RSO) of the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod, some are sponsored by a District of the LC-MS, still others are Lutherans in a specific area that have banded together, and some are efforts made by an individual local congregation. Some of these groups have a global focus, others have a regional focus, and still others have a specific slice of the demographic pie in mind. Some of these groups I am rather well informed about, others I know very little about. Due to the modest nature of Lutherans I mentioned earlier, I’m rather sure that I have only a small percentage of Lutheran groups that are reaching out with the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.
To help us become better acquainted with what Lutherans are doing, and perhaps even provide my readers with volunteer opportunities, I plan to post reviews of each of these groups on my blog. If you know of a Lutheran group sharing Christ that is not on the above list, you can post their name in a comment on this post, and I will see what I can do to post a review of them. Each of the above groups does have an internet presence and it is from that internet presence that I will draw most of my information.
(The Clip Art is from Christian Art: http://www.christart.com/legal/credits/)
Blessings in Christ,
Pastor John Rickert
I recognized 21, but couldn't necessarily tell you exactly what the organization does.
ReplyDeleteI found another great Lutheran misison group, The Lutheran Heritage Foundation (www.LHFmissions.org). See the post I will make for July 27, 2010.