March 20, 2010
The Lord be with you
About 20 people gathered at Lamb of God Lutheran Church (LCMS) this evening to experience a Seder meal. Klaudia Zhelezny from Chosen People Ministries led us through the meal. Klaudia is a Russian born Jew who has become a Christian.
A complete Jewish traditional Seder meal would last at least five hours. If each portion of the meal was given a Christian interpretation, well let us just say no one would be awake by the end. Every Christian Seder I’ve seen trims a lot and provides some Christian interpretation. Klaudia’s presentation followed this pattern, so our meal lasted about two and a half hours.
Just o

The Seder meal, also known as the Passover meal, was what Jesus was celebrating when he instituted Communion. Participating in our Seder/Passover meal helped us develop a deeper understanding of this Sacrament. Below are some pictures that were taken tonight.
Blessings in Christ,
Pastor John Rickert
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