First Sunday after Christmas
December 30, 2012
The Lord be with you
Hello all. I apologize for there being such a lag in posts.
Christmas is a very busy time for any pastor, and I’m no exception. These posts
simply do not rank as high on my priority list as developing sermons, worship
services, and newsletters. Nonetheless, I pray everyone had a joyous nativity
I and my wife are on vacation now. The first few days were
full, so again I didn’t get around to posting anything. I did have a chance to
read the next LitWits book, The
Constantine Codex by Paul L. Maier (more on that later).
This morning we were blessed to worship at Island
Lutheran Church
here on Hilton Head Island, SC. Their pastor, Rev. Larry
Eckart, is also on vacation. The word of God was shared by Pastor Len Moore and
Mr. Terry Nickerson led the liturgy. If I was to boil down the sermon to a
sentence, it would be that, while the rest of the world is over with Christmas
for the year, for Christians the celebration of the birth of our Savior continues
on and on.
As I mentioned, I just finished The Constantine Codex. This is the third book featuring Dr. Jon
Webber, who first appeared in Maier’s book, A
Skeleton in God’s Closet. Each
book in the series is a stand-alone novel. Like the first two books, this book
continues the fast pace action of an interaction between international
religious issues, startling discoveries, intrigue, risk, and mortal danger,
while avoiding the Indiana Jones antics which look good on a big screen but are
more eye candy than story telling. Maier’s first book asked what would happen
if the mortal remains of Jesus were actually found. His second book (More than a Skeleton) asked what would
happen if someone living claimed to be the returned Jesus and was very, very
convincing. This third book asks what would happen if an ancient manuscript was
found that might have been written by one of the recognized New Testament
authors. (Naturally, the document seems very, very convincing.) I won’t tell
you how the book ends, but ask yourself, “What would it take for a new book to
be added to the Bible?”
Blessings in Christ,
Pastor John Rickert