Tuesday, August 4, 2009


Tuesday in the week of Pentecost 9
August 4, 2009

The Lord be with you

Lamb of God's Adopt-a-Backpack effort has concluded for this year with the delivery of 21 backpacks, fully loaded with school supplies, to Jesse Boyd Elementary School. Each year some families have difficulty purchasing all the supplies their child needs. Often these are families with more than one child in school. Dawn, a member of Lamb of God, came up with the idea that we could provide these supplies. I contacted Jesse Boyd last school year and spoke with school counselor, Trisha Pressley. From Trisha I acquired the list of school supplies each child would need for each grade this school year (2009-2010). Our Lutheran Women's Missionary League purchased the backpacks (three per grade), and then members of Lamb of God "adopted" the backpacks. These members filled their adopted backpacks with the needed supplies and returned them to church. Along with the requested supplies we also placed in each backpack a letter to the parents, a bookmark for each child, and a refrigerator magnet. Jesse Boyd will ensure that the supplies go to children who need them. This seems like a wonderful way to reach out and touch people with the love of Jesus Christ. We hope to do this again next year.

Blessings in Christ,
Pastor John Rickert

Members of Lamb of God with the Adopted Backpacks

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful idea!
    And the backpacks look pretty cool too.
