
Sunday, November 1, 2015

LWML Western Zone Fall Rally, 2015

The Lord be with you

Yesterday, Reformation Day, the ladies of the Carolina's LWML Western Zone had their Fall Rally at Lamb of God. I was privileged to present. Rev. Howard Jones, the Western Zone pastoral adviser and pastor of Abiding Savior, Anderson, was present and led us in our opening and closing prayer services. Karen Hampton, the organist for Lamb of God, provided music. There were twenty-five present, all total. The general theme was "roots." The first study, focusing on Isaiah 11 and examined our roots in Christ. The second study, in recognition of Reformation Day, focused on our roots in the Lutheran Reformation (with a generous helping of non-religious events that happened during the same time frame). For lunch we had a taco salad-bar. The "ingathering" supported the Bethlehem Center, a local organization that provides assistance in numerous areas like food, clothing, and finical help. Everyone had a great time. Here are some pictures Kitty and I took.

Blessings in Christ,
Pastor Rickert

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