
Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Field Notes from Shauen and Krista Trump - November 2015

Greetings in Christ. Please find our latest Field Notes below, view this email in your browser, or download a printable version (PDF) from our Thank you for your support of God’s amazing work in Eastern and Southern Africa. 
-Shauen, Krista, Josiah, Elijah, and Isaiah, your LCMS missionaries to Eastern and Southern Africa
Writing from Nairobi, Kenya
November 3, 2015

Malawi – Flowing, Living Water

Shauen Addresses a Congregation (photo by Erik Lunsford)
 Shauen Greets the Pastor's Mother (photo by Erik Lunsford)
The Confessional Lutheran Church – Malawi Synod (CLCMS) is a small but vibrant church body in the warm heart of Africa. In Malawi they say “Teeth are a sign of peace” and those toothy smiles welcomed us everywhere we went. The LCMS has supported several projects in Malawi including matching gifts for church building construction, famine relief food, and the drilling of wells, all in support of God's people and His work of reconciliation.Having never been to Malawi before and with a tight schedule, Shauen and his fellow workers, Shara Cunningham and Erik Lunsford, didn't expect to see much of the country, but their hosts had other ideas. Over the course of just three days the CLCMS took their LCMS visitors up and down the main highway in Malawi with side trips to several congregations and the occasional tourist site.

The small matching grants for church building construction went further in Malawi than in just about any other place we've seen. The congregations made 30,000 baked mud bricks and collected the sand, gravel, and stones for the church building. The funds from the LCMS provided cement, plaster, paint, roof trusses, and tin roofing sheets. The size and quality of the resulting church structure was a testimony to the church's eagerness in partnering together with a strong local contribution.

The wells that were drilled near the congregations, using LCMS grants, provided water to the entire community in places where that water was desperately needed. Most important though, as the chairman of the church body visited, each church wanted to worship together and celebrate with baptisms and communion.

As observers, we couldn't help but get caught up in the joyful celebration. An assistant brought water from the newly-drilled well into the newly built church which was filled far beyond capacity. Then with those grace-filled words of promise, forgiveness, and assurance, that well-water was used for something far more than mere water could ever do – the baptizing of dozens of young adults and children into the family of God. Praise the Lord for His work among God's people in Malawi!

Refugee Camp Visits in Turkana

Pushing the Truck Out of Sand (photo by Shara Cunningham)
The Holy Spirit doesn't care much about national boundaries. Years ago, the LCMS planted churches among Sudanese people groups in a refugee camp in northwest Kenya. Today it is still hard to figure out where the congregation fits. Are the congregations part of the church in Kenya, the church in Sudan, or the church that planted them – the LCMS? Without any pastors living within a hundred miles of the camp, the question of who will serve them is still asked – who will visit for preaching, teaching, baptizing, confirming, and administration of communion?

For years, the LCMS has provided pastoral services to the congregations in Kakuma either in the form of LCMS missionaries traveling to the refugee camp or by sending pastors seconded by the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Kenya (ELCK). This month, Shauen was able to make a brief visit to the Kakuma Refugee Camp in Turkana to encourage the congregations and see how they were managing in their difficult and challenging situation. Shauen and his co-travelers from the LCMS and ELCK met five different Lutheran congregations of God's faithful in the camp, each from a different part of Sudan. In brief visits we greeted each congregation, shared a short message from Scripture, prayed with them, and recommitted ourselves to supporting ministry among them.

Please keep Rev. Daniel Mutai, seconded by the ELCK for quarterly visits to Kakuma, in prayer as he ministers to God's people there and pray for peace in the home areas of those displaced.

State of the Project Forum

Shauen Addresses the Forum
The Christ's Care for Children sponsorship project was designed to be transparent and collaborative. The LCMS Director for the project, Kissinger Nyang'au, has embraced that vision. The project design includes an annual State of the Project Forum, a time for all site managers, church leaders, LCMS staff and project supporters to come together to learn from each other about the successes and challenges of each site and the operation overall. The first Forum was held in northwest Kenya. While each site manager spent some time in the hot seat, the forum was widely hailed as a resounding success. The detailed reports from each site enabled each site manager to learn from the others. Praise the Lord for this time of sharing and new beginnings!
Photos in Focus
Malawi (all photos by Erik Lunsford)
Malawi - walking from the new well (photo by Erik Lunsford)
Malawi - inside church (photo by Erik Lunsford)
Malawi - new well (photo by Erik Lunsford)
Malawi - baptism (photo by Erik Lunsford)
Prayer Requests

For wisdom, discernment, and patience for Shauen and Krista in their work as spouses, parents, and missionaries

For the missionaries, projects, and relationships Shauen oversees for the church

For Rev. Daniel Mutai and God's work in Kakuma Refugee Camp, northwest Kenya
In Praise

For the Lutheran Church in Malawi

For potential new missionaries deliberating a call to this field

For the encouragement and fellowship of spending time with fellow LCMS co-workers on the field 
Contact Us At:

Shauen & Krista Trump
PO Box 22
Karen 00502 KENYA
To support this work financially,
you may send a tax-deductible gift to:

The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod
PO Box 66861
St. Louis, MO 63166-6861

Make checks payable to The LCMS and mark the memo line “Trump-East Africa”
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Copyright © 2015 Rev. Shauen and Krista Trump, All rights reserved.

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