
Monday, October 19, 2015

Youth "WeRaise Campaign" Kicks off 'upping the ante'

LCMS youth hope to feed 500,000 people through WeRaise.

Synod youth set goal to provide half-million
meals at National Youth Gathering

They have the energy, the opportunity and the mission. And they are using a new tool to raise funds so it can happen.

LCMS youth are heading to the LCMS Youth Gathering again in 2016 — and this time they’re upping the ante on how many meals they’ll package for those in need.

In 2013, LCMS youth packaged more than 322,000 meals for distribution around San Antonio and other places across the country. In 2016, they want to serve even more. They invite you to help them reach a bold 2016 goal of providing 500,000 total meals for those who suffer from hunger in New Orleans and around the world.

We already have 400,000 meals covered through $50,000 of Gathering registration fees and another $50,000 matching grant from LCMS mercy ministries. We’re almost there!

Here’s how you — the most influential friends and shapers of our treasured young people — can help:

In a partnership with Wheat Ridge Ministries, a new WeRaise crowdfunding campaign is live now through Nov. 30. You can help by pledging any amount you desire toward a $25,000 fundraising goal that will underwrite their packaging of the final 100,000 meals.

Visit to pledge your support today.

Then, please share this information through your social media networks to let your friends and family know about the effort, and give them an opportunity to bring our Lord’s love and mercy to those in New Orleans and around the world who are hungry. Click here to find images to post and share.

Together, we can stand alongside our young people as they serve Christ and His people around the world and grow in faith as His disciples.
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The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod
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