
Saturday, October 10, 2015

Flood Update from SED

SED Logo
Southeastern Distirict, LCMS
6315 Grovedale Drive
Alexandria VA 22310
Flooding Update
Saturday, October 10
This is the day which the Lord has made. As we begin the weekend, it is with the awareness that while it is still raining parts of South Carolina and rivers continue to be cresting that help is gathering in a variety of ways to assist the residents of South Carolina in this time of crisis.
Throughout South Carolina,response agencies are at work assessing damage, interviewing residents, working on matching opportunities with volunteers. I know that many of you are ready to donate real labor in helping to muck-out homes, gather and deliver supplies, and participate in the recovery efforts. With this note I am listing a number of locations where such help is being called for.
  1. Help in distributing water on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday in several locations throughout South Carolina (approx. 60 people are needed), contact: David Porterat 864. 378.0702
  2. Help with muck-out, cleaning houses that have experienced flooding, contact: Aaron Titus, Crisis Cleanup: (They will match you with needs.)
  3. The Public Home Cleanup Hotline, to call and offer assistance: 1.800.451.1954
  4. Get Connected ( is one of the volunteer coordination agencies. If you contact them, they will direct you to site or location where you can serve.
  5. Continued prayers for all in South Carolina.
  6. Gather an offering for flood relief on Sunday, October 11. Send your gifts to the Southeastern District and identify it for flood relief. All funds received will be put to work in the recovery efforts.
Thank you the many ways you are already responding to help during these days of need. In the next posting, I will share more stories that we are hearing. Remember your neighbors, these occasions remind us that all around us are people who need an encouraging word, act of compassion, a conversation of grace.
God's blessing
 Sally J Hiller
If you are moved to make a donation, you may use the donate button on our website or send a check to the Southeastern District,
ATTN: Disaster Relief
6315 Grovedale Drive.
Alexandria VA 22310 
All funds received for this effort will be used in the recovery work that will be taking place over the next months. Our address is 6315 Grovedale Drive, Alexandria VA 22310.  

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