
Thursday, October 8, 2015

Flood Relief Update

How can you help the people of the Carolinas
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Southeastern Distirict, LCMS
6315 Grovedale Drive
Alexandria VA 22310
Thursday Flooding Update
Dear Friends,
"I am trusting Thee, Lord Jesus, Trusting only Thee; Trusting Thee for full salvation, Great and free.
 I am trusting Thee to guide me; Thou alone shalt lead, Ev'ry day and hour supplying All my need."
This hymn keeps finding its way onto my lips as I pray for God's compassion and mercy to fill people with hope as they journey through these difficult days. The rain has stopped, the cresting of the rivers and the continued swelling of the waters at the dams make it difficult to think the immediate disaster has passed. Yesterday communities were continuing to be evacuated in anticipation of further flooding. We pray for all of our neighbors in South Carolina.
Some updates for you:
  • Disaster services are at work coordinating efforts in South Carolina. The Salvation Army is collaborating with the local, state, and federal governments as well as other partners to coordinate and enhance communications for disaster relief. Their website is the best place to go for current information
  • Today (Thursday, October 8), President John Denninger is meeting with Rev. Michael Meyer (LCMS Disaster Response), Rev. Christopher Burger (Holy Trinity, Columbia SC), and Rev. Paul Sizemore (Mt. Olive, Columbia SC) to walk in Columbia and speak with residents, disaster response partners, and begin an on-site assessment.
  • We continue to receive information about needs. We do know of several members, including the Director of the Preschool Program at Holy Lamb, Myrtle Beach, who have sustained damage to their homes. We ask for your patience as we work to identify needs and connect resources. More will be coming in the next days.
  • Island Lutheran, Hilton Head SC delivered 4 pallets of water to one of the distribution sites in Columbia yesterday. The site had just given away the last of their water when the truck pulled up.
What you can be doing now.
Pray - it is never too small a thing to do. Pray for the broken hearts and crushed spirits of those whose lives have been flooded with the unwanted effects of this storm. Pray for God's mercy and compassion. Pray that God's love and compassion will be made known, especially now.
Be a neighbor. Use this moment to reach out to your neighbors to be certain they are okay. Especially if you are in areas impacted by the rains of the last week, check in on your neighbors - use this moment to BLESS them (Bond, Learn, Engage, Serve, and Share)
Receive a door offering this Sunday to support the work that will be taking place throughout the region impacted by floods. If you are moved to make a donation, you may use the donate button on our website or send a check to the Southeastern District,
ATTN: Disaster Relief
6315 Grovedale Drive.
Alexandria VA 22310 
All funds received for this effort will be used in the recovery work that will be taking place over the next months. Our address is 6315 Grovedale Drive, Alexandria VA 22310.  
Be a neighbor. Use this moment to reach out to your neighbors to be certain they are okay. Especially if you are in areas impacted by the rains of the last week, check in on your neighbors - use this moment to BLESS them (Bond, Learn, Engage, Serve, and Share).
Check the websites listed below, some of them are sharing specific ways that you can help the larger effort through items needed and on-site serving.
Keep following us, we will provide regular updates for you. The call for serving will go out; be patient as we take the time to work with those who are setting up the framework for this to happen in an orderly way that truly serves the people of God in their time of crisis.
As always, we are so thankful for your generous hearts of compassion that reach out in these times. God's blessings in your serving and neighboring.

  •  (click on who-we-are/county-agencies) This site gives a listing of all SC County Emergency Management Services. This is where volunteers should register with for local work assignments.
  •   This site provides the location of all 18 Red Cross shelters across SC as well as capacity and current numbers of residents staying there. Several have no one staying there while others include 2, 5 (Risen Christ),14, 15, 21, 26, 61, 152, 201 residents.
  • United Way web site is has lots of information.  
  •   Where folks who live in the counties that have been declared a disaster can go to apply for FEMA assistance. 

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