
Thursday, September 3, 2015

Prayers for Sunday, September 6, 2015

The Lord be with you

In our prayers this coming Sunday we will again begin to remember sister congregations and other Christian denominations. The "other" Christian denominations will begin with denominations we are in Altar and Pulpit Fellowship. The first denomination will be the Ethiopian Evangelical Church Mekane Yesus (EECMY), and her President, Rev. Dr. Wakseyoum Idosa. This is the most recent denomination we have joined in Altar and Pulpit fellowship. In fact, it is so recent that the fellowship is yet to be confirmed by a Synod Convention. I'm sure that will happen at the upcoming convention. The EECMY has five million members and is the largest Lutheran denomination in Africa (and about twice the size of the LC-MS). The sister congregation we will remember is Bethlehem Lutheran in Aiken, SC. Below are the prayers we will be using: 

Prayer for the Ethiopian Evangelical Church Mekane Yesus 
Dear Jesus, you have blessed the Missouri Synod with many sister denominations around the globe who share our love for you, your truth, your people, and those who have not yet come to know you as their Savior. Today we remember before your throne the Ethiopian Evangelical Church Mekane Yesus, and their president, Rev. Dr. Wakseyoum Idosa. We especially thank you that this five-million member denomination has become the most recent denomination to join us in Altar and Pulpit fellowship, ask that you continue to protect and bless them, and that they might inspire us to reach out with your life-giving Gospel. Lord, have mercy.

Prayer for Bethlehem Lutheran, Aiken
Heavenly Father, we remember our sister congregation in Aiken, Bethlehem Lutheran, and her pastor who recently had an operation. We ask that you bless both pastor and people, making them a Gospel light in their community and bringing many into that light. Lord, have mercy.

Blessings in Christ,

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