
Sunday, September 27, 2015

A Prayer for the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Liberia

Prayer for the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Liberia (ELCL), Rev. Amos Bolay, Bishop

Dear Jesus, you have blessed the Missouri Synod with many sister denominations around the globe who share our love for you, your truth, your people, and those who have not yet come to know you as their Savior. Today we remember before your throne the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Liberia, and their Bishop, Rev. Amos Bolay, with whom we have been in fellowship since 2013. We especially thank you that this denomination, whose roots reach back to 1860, was the first Christian denomination to reach beyond the coastal region with your gospel, caring for both the body and souls of those they encountered. We rejoice that they continue in this, having built the first hospital in the nation, now maintaining two hospitals and numerous clinics along with numerous schools, all sharing your divine love. We are inspired by their work of caring for both spiritual and physical needs. We are especially inspired by their recent efforts to reach beyond the borders of Liberia, continuing the outreach zeal that first inspired their workers to reach beyond the coast. We ask that you continue to protect and bless them, and that they might inspire us to reach out with your life-giving Gospel. In Your Name, Lord Jesus. Amen.

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