
Sunday, September 13, 2015

A Prayer for the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Ghana

The Lord be with you.

Today is the Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost. In our prayers during our worship services, we are remembering our partner churches around the world. Today we remembered The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Ghana. Here is the prayer we used.

Prayer for: Evangelical Lutheran Church of Ghana (ELCG), Dr. Paul Kofi Fynn, President

          Dear Jesus, you have blessed the Missouri Synod with many sister denominations around the globe who share our love for you, your truth, your people, and those who have not yet come to know you as their Savior. Today we remember before your throne the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Ghana, and their president, Rev. Dr. Paul Kofi Fynn. We especially thank you that this denomination is the fruit of the work of Missouri Synod workers that first reached Ghana in the 1950s and that this love of missions is still present with these brothers and sisters in Christ as they have opened mission stations in Uganda, Benin and Ivory Coast. We also rejoice that they no longer have to depend on the seminary in Nigeria to train their pastors, as you have blessed them with their own seminary which opened in 1998. We ask that you continue to protect and bless them, and that they might inspire us to reach out with your life-giving Gospel.

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