
Friday, August 7, 2015

Official Acts and Prayers of the SED

Don't Forget...Sunday for the City, August 9, 2015
Throughout the Southeastern District, people will gather to pray for their neighborhoods and communities. Some will be prayer-walking, others gathered in worship to pray, and still others coming together in Baltimore City to lift up the city, her people, her concerns in prayer.
For additional information and resources, check out the SED website.

Prayers of Thanksgiving for New Life
+ Joanna Rosalind Auerweck, first grandchild for Rev. Stephen H. Funck (Living Water and Berea, Baltimore MD) and Lynne Kreyling Funck (teacher-emeritus, Concordia Prep, Towson MD), born July 10, 2015 to Stephanie and Greg Auerweck at Frederick MD. 

+ Nicholas Andrew Elgert, born July 13, 2015, first grandchild for Beth (SED Board of Directors) and Mark Elgert (King of Glory, Williamsburg VA).

+ Bethany May Savage, born July 16, 2015 and Matthew Alexander Carpenter, born July 28, 2015, grandchildren of Vicki (SED & LCEF Staff) and Jack Edwards (Grace, LaPlata MD).
+Matthew Alexander Carpenter, born on July 28 and weighed in at 6 lbs. 10 oz. Proud grandparents are Vicki (SED & LCEF Staff) and Jack Edwards (Grace, LaPlata MD).  

Prayers for Healing
+ Judy Kettner, wife of Rev. Joel Kettner (emeritus, Messiah, Wilmington NC)
+ Teacher Kim Schiebel (wife of Rev. Peter Schiebel), Trinity, Mt. Rainer MD  

Prayers for Safekeeping
+ Rev. Dr. Matthew Harrison (President, LCMS, St. Louis MO), his wife Kathy and their family after their home was ruined by fire.

Prayers of Comfort for All who Grieve the Death of Loved Ones
+ The family and friends of Rev. Edward J. Devan (emeritus, First St. John's, York PA).

Official Roster Action

Calls Pending:
Rev. Seth Korte (Redeemer, Richmond VA) to First, Huntingtown MD
Rev. Jim Daub (St. Paul, Havelock NC) to Pilgrim, Wauwatosa WI.

Calls Accepted:
Cara B. Duensing, Teacher, to Suburban Bethlehem Lutheran Church & School, Fort Wayne, IN

Calls Declined:
Rev. Neil Vanderbush (Calvary, Jacksonville NC) to St. James, Baltimore MD

Rev. Peter J. Eckardt, Immanuel, Alexandria on August 2, 2015
Rev. Ray M. Rogers, Augsburg Lutheran Home, Baltimore MD on July 19, 2015
Rev. Mark M. Seaman, Our Savior, Hickory NC on July 26, 2015

Transfer In:
John M. Durkin, DCE, from the Indiana District
Mary T. Durkin, Teacher, from the Indiana District
Elizabeth C. Meschke, Teacher, from the Southern Illinois District 

Transfer Out:
Cara B. Duensing, Teacher, transferred to the Indiana District
Rev. Tich H. Luu to Indiana District
Rev. Kyle Mietzner to Missouri District

Change of Status:
Rev. Michael C. Hagebusch, Catonsville MD to Emeritus 
Rev. R. Mark Nieting, Virginia Beach VA to Emeritus
Jane R. Miller, Teacher, Menomonee Falls, WI, to Emeritus 

The Southeastern District (SED)
We are a regional district of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod. Connecting people with Christ till all have heard. The 208 churches, 91 schools and 45 missions are located in Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, Pennsylvania, District of Columbia, North and South Carolina. The SED office is located in Alexandria VA.
Sally J. Hiller
Executive Director for Congregational Outreach and District Operations
Southeastern District, LCMS
6315 Grovedale Drive
Alexandria VA 22310-2501
voice: 703.971.9371, Ext. 205 or 800.637.5723
fax 703.922.6047

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