
Thursday, August 20, 2015

Meaningful Living

August appeal FY16 header

Life can be crazy – can’t it? So much focus today is on how our lives can be less busy. Or, if we're not doing enough, we wonder how we can be more busy!

Wherever you are in life today - whether you feel too busy or stuck on the sidelines - I want you to know something that is always true:

Jesus wants your life to be full of purpose and meaning!

You are a child of God and that means you do not live life alone. You can talk to God. You can read His Word. You can have meaning in your life that only comes through Him!

Billions of unreached people in the world today still do not have the meaning in their lives that comes only through Christ's gift of salvation. You can help share this Gospel message with them!

The Lord is using Lutheran Hour Ministries in this Gospel mission through these ministries and so much more:

Outreach Resources button The Lutheran Hour button

International Ministry button Outreach Training button

By God's grace, we can reach countless new souls with the Good News through the faithful support of Christians like you!

Will you consider making a gift today to spread the life-changing Gospel to every soul that can be reached in the United States and around the world?

Thank you, as always, for your thoughts and prayers.

In Christ,

Rev. Gregory P. Seltz
Speaker of The Lutheran Hour

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