
Wednesday, August 12, 2015

In Christ All Things Hold Together - a review

In Christ All Things Hold Together
The Intersection of Science & Christian Theology
A Report of the Commission on Theology and Church Relations (CTCR)
The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod         February 2015
139 pages

Earlier this year the CTCR issued another report. As always, this report is well thought out and written. The questions addressed are central questions in our contemporary society.

What relationship does theology and science have, if any? Can a good Christian be a good scientist? Must a Christian scientist check her faith at the lab door? What sort of “knowledge” does legitimate science pursue? Is there any overlap between scientific knowledge and Christian knowledge? Is “truth” and “fact” divorced from each other? Is science a Christian vocation? If so, what implications does that have for the scientific endeavor? What does all this mean for the student who is considering one of the sciences for their vocation? What does it all mean for science teachers? What does it all mean for those whose vocation involves the practical use of science, like a medical doctor, lab technician or a chemist at an agro company? What does it mean for non-scientists who are confronted by all kinds of PR about what science has “proved?  Can the Bible and contemporary science always be harmonized? This is only a sampling of questions that illustrate just how vital the topic of this report is.

The report gives solid guidelines to answer such questions. It is well researched, not only in reference to the Bible and Lutheran Confessions, but also in reference to contemporary scientific literature and the history of modern science. It also has excellent footnotes for those who wish to pursue a specific line of inquiry further.

I give this report “two thumbs up.”

Blessings in Christ,
Pastor John Rickert

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