
Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Asia In Mission

Thank you for supporting the work of the LCMS and our partner Lutheran churches in Asia. We hope you enjoy reading updates from around the region!

Pentecost Greetings

Rev. Andrew Miao, President of the China Evangelical Lutheran Church

Dearly Beloved in Christ, God’s Peace to you!
During this season of Pentecost, we are covered in Christ’s grace, as he freely justifies us to be God’s children and leads us by the same Spirit who is the evidence of our salvation.
For this reason, we should give witness to the Spirit’s power in our daily lives so that Christ’s Spirit who has given us the resurrection life to our mortal bodies would enable us to serve our neighbor and gain the true benefits of His life.

For us who have held on to the confessional Lutheran heritage, we especially pay attention to how we live and act so that we do not hinder the witness of the gospel of the Kingdom of God; that we do not bring disgrace to the name of Christ; that we do not rely on the outward appearance of the church’s ritual forms in place of the authority of “Scripture Alone,” that we do not allow our own self-centered perspective to replace our vision based on “Faith Alone” and finally that we do not make the confession of the purity of doctrine a substitute for our inheritance of Grace Alone.

All of this, of course, is from God through Christ Alone who is the center of our life of faith.

May the Spirit of our Lord Jesus Christ move again within the church with authority to the glory and praise of our Heavenly Father! Amen!

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