
Friday, July 10, 2015

SED July Official Acts and Prayers

Summer Outreach Conference Tending The Flame - hotel registration has been extended to July 15. We are now offering one day registration fees for those that can  attend only a part of the conference. The whole event registration is now $95. Friday fee - $40: Saturday (includes lunch) $50; Saturday evening picnic & concert $20. Registration is required in advance. See our webpage for more information


Prayers of Thanksgiving for New Life
+ Joshua Flynn Herberts, son of Rev. Dean & Lauren Herberts, St. Paul's Evangelical, Norlina, NC

Prayers for Healing
+ George Lippitt
+ Les Stano

Prayers of Comfort for All who Grieve the Death of Loved Ones
+ Rev. Tim and Glenda Christenson, Prince of Peace, Springfield, VA, and family as they grieve the death of granddaughter, Libby
+ Rev. Adam Hengst, King of Glory, Williamsburg, VA, and family as they grieve the death of his grandfather
+ Rev. Paul and Lisa Sizemore, Mt. Olive, Irmo, SC, as they grieve the death of her mother
+ The Family and friends ofBetty White, Mount Calvary, Kannapolis, NC, Teacher, who passed away on July 3, 2015

Official Roster Actions
Ordination of Pastor Christoper Harrison

Calls Pending
Rev. Seth Korte (Redeemer, Richmond, VA) to First, Huntingtown, MD
Rev. Neil Vanderbush (Calvary, Jacksonville, NC) to St. James, Baltimore, MD

Calls Accepted
Carolyn D. Haar (St. Paul's, Glen Burnie, MD), Teacher, to Christ Lutheran School, Phoenix, AZ
Rev. Dr. Yared Halche (Columbia, MD) to Redeemer, Hyattsville, MD
CH. Steven Hokana to Ministry to Armed Forces, St. Louis, MO
Rev. Tich Luu (Messiah, Germantown, MD) to Evansville, IN
Rev. Kyle Mietzner (Grace, Greensboro, NC) to Board of International Missions, St. Louis, MO
DCE Ronald Scherch (Bel Air, MD) as Principal, St. Paul, Catonsville, MD
Christa Stec (Centennial, CO) as Director of Music and Worship Arts (King of Glory, Williamsburg, VA)
Rev. Jeffrey Wilson (Lexington, SC) to Mt. Olive, Irmo, SC

Calls Declined
Rev. Bart Fouts (St. Mark, Ruskin, NE) to Hope, Manassas, VA
Alan Freeman (Concordia Preparatory School, Baltimore, MD) toLutheran High School Northeast, Norfolk, NE
Rev. Benjamin Hertel (St. Luke, Rensselaer, IN) to St. James, Baltimore, MD
Rev. Michael Merker (Jordan, Apex, NC) to Living Christ, Arlington Heights, IL
Rev. Benjamin Vogel (Brighton, MI) to St Peter's, Conover, NC

DCE John M. Durkin, Prince of Peace, Springfield, VA will be installed on July 19, 2015
Rev. Garet Ellis, First, Towson, MD on June 27, 2015
Rev. Yared Halche, Redeemer, Hyattsville, MD on June 14, 2015
Rev. Christopher Harrison, Lutheran Church of the Cross, Rockville, MD on June 28, 2015
DCS Holly K. Lustilla, Eternal Shepherd, Seneca, SC will be installed on July 26, 2015
Ordination of Pastor Garet Ellis

Rev. Garet Ellis, First, Towson, MD on June 27, 2015
Rev. Christopher Harrison, Lutheran Church of the Cross, Rockville, MD on June 28, 2015

Transfer Out:
Carolyn D. Haar, Teacher, to Pacific Southwest District
Ch. Steven C. Hokana to Missouri District
Rev. Robert C. Hull to Texas District

Change of Status:
Rev. Gerald R. Reiter, Aiken, SC to Emeritus

New Church Starts
Ethiopian Evangelical Mission Mekane Yesus/LCMS, Cary, NC
Oromo Evangelical Lutheran Mission of North Carolina, Cary, NC
Shalom Ethiopian Evangelical Lutheran Mission, Alexandria, VA

The Southeastern District (SED)
We are a regional district of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod. Connecting people with Christ till all have heard. The 208 churches, 91 schools and 45 missions are located in Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, Pennsylvania, District of Columbia, North and South Carolina. The SED office is located in Alexandria VA.
Sally J. Hiller
Executive Director for Congregational Outreach and District Operations
Southeastern District, LCMS
6315 Grovedale Drive
Alexandria VA 22310-2501
voice: 703.971.9371, Ext. 205 or 800.637.5723
fax 703.922.6047

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