
Saturday, July 4, 2015

Response to Burned Churches

While we are not part of this particular organization of churches, this e-mail offers some real and helpful suggestions.

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Living and working together as the Body of Christ

July 2, 2015
Some Helpful Ways to Respond
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Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)



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Thank you.
Regarding the Burned Churches in SC


Thank you for your many inquiries as to ways we might respond to the Black churches which have burned in the past couple of weeks in the South. 

In South Carolina, as of yesterday at about 3:30 PM, according to Tom Berry, the Public Information Officer of SLED, investigations are still underway at both sites, Glover Grove Baptist Church in Warrenville and Mount Zion African Methodist Episcopal Church in Greeleyville. According to Berry the official report will be available in about a week. 

Mean while here are some helpful ways of responding:

1. Pray for the church and its leaders. Send words of comfort and support.  If in your area, offer the use of your space during the rebuilding process. 

2. Regardless the cause of the fire, the churches will rebuild. If you want to help with the cost, volunteer time and building skills, or assist in some other way, contact the congregation directly; or contact me and I will help you connect (

3. Many of our Black congregations are concerned about security; and people have expressed desire to support security details. If there is a Black congregation in your neighborhood or community and you want to offer this assistance, there are two vital contacts to be made before you show up to provide security.

First: Contact the pastor or a key church leader. Ask if they are concerned about security and, if so, would they welcome assistance. Please do not go on site to provide security unless you are invited to do so by the congregation.

Second: Contact your local Law Enforcement agency and make them aware of your intention to be on site providing security. Again, please do not go on a site for this reason without the knowledge of Law Enforcement.

And, finally, congregations of any Race or Culture or Religion may suffer pain and loss due to lightening strikes, faulty wiring, vandalism, and any host of troubles. I encourage you to be a part of the healing and protection of any and all places of worship in your community.

One of my favorite quotes is from Ram Dass. It sums up how we should relate to each other. Ram said: "We're all just walking each other home."

Let's be sure to get each other home safely.

The Reverend Brenda Lynn Kneece
Executive Minister
South Carolina Christian Action Council, Inc

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