
Monday, June 29, 2015

Doxology responds to the "SCOTUS" Decision



SCOTUS Decision Finds Constitutional Right to Same Sex Marriage

With today’s landmark decision, the Supreme Court of the United States has negated the express will of the citizens of several states with laws limiting marriage to one man and one woman. More significantly, it has introduced a definition for marriage contrary to the express will of God and opened the door to persecution of those who for reasons of conscience hold the biblical view.
Though today’s ruling effectively redefines marriage legally in our land, it does not set aside the scriptural definition of marriage any more than the infamous 1973 Roe v. Wade decision changed the scriptural definition of life. 
Marriage was instituted by God in Eden as a holy estate and comprehensive union between one man and one woman for their mutual support in both joy and sorrow and the procreation and nurture of children.  This union of holy matrimony is a picture of the mystic union and communion of Christ Jesus and His Bride, the Holy Christian Church. 

We remain steadfast. . .

Reflecting on what the Court’s decision means in the days and years ahead, DOXOLOGY’s Executive Director for Spiritual Care, Harold Senkbeil, commented: “Though dark and uncertain times lie ahead, this is a time for Christians everywhere to shed light and truth in a world of darkness and confusion. We remain steadfast and immovable in the faith delivered once to all the saints, always abounding in the work of the Lord, for in the Lord our labor is never in vain.”
“While people of faith who hold to the historic definition of one-man/one-woman marriage may find themselves on the receiving end of attack or ridicule,” Senkbeil continued, “Let there be no ugly acrimony and negativity. Let’s be known for what we stand in favor of, not merely what we stand against.  And let there be compassion and care for same-sex attracted family, friends, and neighbors." 
"Senkbeil concluded, "Thank God, there is hope and encouragement for all of us who wrestle with sexual temptations of every sort in the forgiveness and renewal won by Christ. We look to the future with confidence and joy. Jesus Christ remains the light of the world, the light no darkness can overcome. Even the gates of hell cannot prevail against His church.”

Plan to attend August 12-13 Conference 

DOXOLOGY, a Recognized Service Organization of The Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod, is sponsoring “Finding Our Voice: Sex, Marriage, and the Christian Vision,” August 12 & 13 at St. Louis University.
Dr. Beverly Yahnke, DOXOLOGY’s Executive Director for Christian Counsel, observed, “It’s important for each of us to endorse Christian marriage and healthy sexuality.  Our culture is growing increasingly degenerate and decadent and sometimes it is hard to know how to respond.  We believe that moms and dads, grandparents, pastors and other church professionals won’t want to miss DOXOLOGY's upcoming conference.  We need to find our voice - especially in light of today’s ruling.  Some of the top presenters in the U.S. and Australia will be present at the conference to provide perspective, clarity and information designed to assist all of us to speak confidently about what marriage is and how to promote healthy sexuality publicly and privately in our unique vocations.”  is the link you'll need to register for the event, learn more about the conference speakers, topics, and preview the complete schedule .  


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