
Saturday, June 13, 2015

Defending Religious Freedom

The Lord be with you

I received the following from the ACLJ, "ACLJ" stands for the American Center for Liberty and Justice." This group advocates for persecuted Christians in the world, as well as issues near to the hearts of many Christians here in America, focusing on legal channels.

The baby is crushed and mutilated.

This tragedy must end. The House did its part. This week the bill to ban late-term abortions was introduced in the Senate. Demand a vote for life.

Sign Our Petition: Stop the Pain. Stop Abortions.

Radicals tried to kill a pro-life law. This week we helped achieve a huge victory for life in court.

Read: Abortion's "Hail Satan" Fails - Court Upholds Pro-Life Law.

Pastor Saeed was beaten and bruised, attacked by fellow prisoners. Time is running out to save him.
He desperately needs our voices. We only need less than 30,000 more signatures to reach 1 million strong for Saeed. Urge 3 of your friends to sign today.

Sign and Share Our Petition: Save American Pastor Saeed.
Read Our Update: Saeed Attacked & Beaten in Iranian Prison.

The two Christian Pastors facing potential death sentences in Sudan were denied access to their attorneys. Their trial resumes in 2 days.

Read Our Update: Christian Pastors Face New Dangers.

Finally, a militant atheist mocks Christians as they are executed by ISIS. We can't be silent.
Bill Maher's Malignant Mockery of the Persecuted is Repugnant.

The ACLJ Team

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