
Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Free to be Faithful Resources

Free to be Faithful newsletter available; July 14 webinar to focus on SCOTUS marriage ruling.

Resources offered in wake
of same-sex marriage ruling

Webinar: 9 a.m. Central time, July 14 — Register >>
Free to be Faithful Newsletter — Read >>

Questions abound about last week’s Supreme Court decision to legalize same-sex marriage. To answer those queries, The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod offers two resources: (1) the latest Free to be Faithful newsletter and (2) a Free to be Faithful webinar that explains the Supreme Court’s ruling and its implications.
Jim Campbell — senior legal counsel with Alliance Defending Freedom, director of the Center for Marriage and Family and a key litigator in high-profile cases across the nation — will provide answers during a Free to be Faithful webinar beginning at 9 a.m. Central time on Tuesday, July 14.
Campbell, who led a Free to be Faithful webinar in May, has been asked to return for a second chat with interested LCMS members. Campbell has been involved in defending marriage, religious liberty and freedom of conscience against legal attacks, and he defended a New Mexico wedding photographer’s right not to use her creative talents to promote a same-sex commitment ceremony. He is also part of the legal team that defended California’s marriage amendment (Proposition 8).
To register for the free webinar, complete the online registration form, email or call 888-THE LCMS (888-843-5267). Spaces for live participation in the call and webinar are limited, so please register now to join Mr. Campbell and your fellow Lutherans in an honest conversation about the implications of the Supreme Court’s ruling on same-sex marriage.
Can’t make it? A recorded version will be available after the call at
Explore the latest issue of the Free to be Faithful newsletter, and read LCMS President Matthew C. Harrison’s response to the Supreme Court’s ruling.
If you have questions about this email or need assistance, please contact the LCMS Church Information Center at 888-THE LCMS (843-5267) or
The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod
All Rights Reserved.

The War Goes On

Remember our Military Community on the 4th.

News to Use

Links. Resources. Referrals.

July 2015
On Wednesday, July 22nd, Military Outreach USA will be conducting a webinar launching its new web site and introducing new programs to help you better serve our Military Community. A key segment of this webinar will deal with creating a Veterans Awareness Program in your House of Worship or Organization. We hope you will be able to participate in this FREE webinar.
Tradition and ritual are trademarks of military service. As members of the Military Caring Network it is important to remember these key dates in July.  Create an event surrounding any of these dates or simply mention them in a worship service. A "shout out"  to those in your house of worship or organization who are veterans, on active duty, in the National Guard or Reserve and their families, giving thanks for the sacrifices they made so that we can enjoy our freedoms will be appreciated.
July 4th is Independence Day.
Independence Day, commonly known as the Fourth of July or July Fourth, is a federal holiday in the United States commemorating the adoption of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776, declaring independence from Great Britain. Learn more...
What is the 4th to a Veteran?

The meaning of the 4th of July to many is a time to have a picnic or sale or it signifies the start of a summer vacation.  For one Vietnam Veteran it has a different more
July 29, 2015 - Anniversary of the Army Chaplain Corps
So many times we forget about our chaplains...the men and women of all denominations who hear a special call to serve those who wear the uniform of our nation. This is the story of one of those men: Father Kapaun

Military Outreach USA is making major changes to its website. We have also developed new actionable and measurable programs that you can use to serve the Military Community.  On Monday, July 20th, you will receive an email detailing these changes.

Take this advance opportunity to become part of our Military Caring Network and, in mid-July, begin receiving exclusive programs and services provided by Military Outreach USA. And remember, there is never a fee. ENROLL NOW!

Monday, June 29, 2015

LC-MS July Theme: Service

LCMS ministries, districts, congregations provide service opportunities.

Serving our neighbor —
compassionate care for others
LCMS ministries, districts, congregations provide service opportunities.In July, we recognize how Christ sets us free to love and to serve our neighbor.
+ When you contemplate Christ’s free gift of salvation and all the other gifts God bestows on us, it’s easy to feel overwhelming joy, gratitude and a desire to “pay it forward” to others.
+ This July, we celebrate all that God has blessed us with, and we rejoice in the opportunities He gives us to express our gratitude in service to our neighbor.
+ As Lutherans, we collectively and compassionately care for others. It’s in our nature to serve wherever we see the need, so that’s our theme for July — service.
+ Throughout the ministries of the LCMS, your district and local congregation, opportunities abound for joyful service throughout the year.
+ If you’d like to serve through your church, talk to your pastor. He’ll help you find a way to serve others in your congregation, in your local community or beyond.
To learn more, visit

If you have questions about this email or need assistance, please contact the LCMS Church Information Center at 888-THE LCMS (843-5267) or
The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod
All Rights Reserved.

Tending the Flame, Workshops on "Digital Ministry"

Tending the Flame
Summer Outreach Conference
July 31 - August 2, 2015
Richmond VA
Registration Link

Youth/Teen Program $35
(age 12-18)

Hotel Link
DoubleTree Richmond/Midlothian
$95++ per night
select reservations and then "in house" reservation and tell them you are with the Southeastern District Lutheran Church

All ages welcome

*75 until July 1
$95 for registrations after July 1

Youth/Teen Program $35

Children's Program $25

Infant/Toddler care - free
District facebook
TTF facebook


 (pass this on to others that may benefit from attending this conference)
Digital Ministry
This year Tending the Flame workshops include a digital ministry track - workshops for those interested in having a stronger social media footprint, reaching out to the community with social media and even creating graphics and "memes" that fit Facebook and Instagram platforms. There are 25 workshops to choose from, below is a listing from the digital track. Check out the website for for information and a complete list of workshops.  

Basic Social Media for the Congregation (Fri 1:00, Sat 1:30) 
Likes, tweets, pages, shares, posts...where do we begin? In this workshop, we will look at questions to help your congregation shape its social media plan. Includes an introduction to Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, focusing on their unique features and how your congregation can use them to engage your members and community.

Creating Images that Speak (Fri 2:30, Sat 1:30)
Tired of bad church clipart? Discover key clip art and church art resources. Learn (or be refreshed) on copyright regulations, explore the basics of, a free and easy to use online graphic design platform to create your own social media campaign images, bulletin covers, etc.  

MediaShout - Integrating Technology in Worship (Sat 11:00, 1:30)
Technology can be used to support the worship service. Learn how to integrate the elements of worship into a visual presentation that does not distract from but rather supports the worship of participants.

Using Mapping Center 101 & 201
Learn what this dynamic and low-cost program can do for your congregational outreach. Uncover the demographics of your neighborhood for focused outreach. Discover new neighbors moving into nearby communities. Generate lists of neighborhood household addresses for targeted mailings. Connect member households to one another, and to nearby neighbors.

Using Social Media to Celebrate Holy Days (Fri 4:00)
Social media opens the opportunity to celebrate Holy Days with people with whom you might not otherwise be able to connect. It also gives others (of all ages) a way to engage in the celebration or remembrance. Social media provides new tools to invite people from the neighborhood (sometimes global neighborhood) to share the Good News and the ever-growing faith journey.

Registration now open - click here to register
Register by July 1 for $75, $95 after July 1
Youth/teen $35   Child $25

Southeastern Disrict
6315 Grovedale Drive
Alexandria, Virginia 22310

Doxology responds to the "SCOTUS" Decision



SCOTUS Decision Finds Constitutional Right to Same Sex Marriage

With today’s landmark decision, the Supreme Court of the United States has negated the express will of the citizens of several states with laws limiting marriage to one man and one woman. More significantly, it has introduced a definition for marriage contrary to the express will of God and opened the door to persecution of those who for reasons of conscience hold the biblical view.
Though today’s ruling effectively redefines marriage legally in our land, it does not set aside the scriptural definition of marriage any more than the infamous 1973 Roe v. Wade decision changed the scriptural definition of life. 
Marriage was instituted by God in Eden as a holy estate and comprehensive union between one man and one woman for their mutual support in both joy and sorrow and the procreation and nurture of children.  This union of holy matrimony is a picture of the mystic union and communion of Christ Jesus and His Bride, the Holy Christian Church. 

We remain steadfast. . .

Reflecting on what the Court’s decision means in the days and years ahead, DOXOLOGY’s Executive Director for Spiritual Care, Harold Senkbeil, commented: “Though dark and uncertain times lie ahead, this is a time for Christians everywhere to shed light and truth in a world of darkness and confusion. We remain steadfast and immovable in the faith delivered once to all the saints, always abounding in the work of the Lord, for in the Lord our labor is never in vain.”
“While people of faith who hold to the historic definition of one-man/one-woman marriage may find themselves on the receiving end of attack or ridicule,” Senkbeil continued, “Let there be no ugly acrimony and negativity. Let’s be known for what we stand in favor of, not merely what we stand against.  And let there be compassion and care for same-sex attracted family, friends, and neighbors." 
"Senkbeil concluded, "Thank God, there is hope and encouragement for all of us who wrestle with sexual temptations of every sort in the forgiveness and renewal won by Christ. We look to the future with confidence and joy. Jesus Christ remains the light of the world, the light no darkness can overcome. Even the gates of hell cannot prevail against His church.”

Plan to attend August 12-13 Conference 

DOXOLOGY, a Recognized Service Organization of The Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod, is sponsoring “Finding Our Voice: Sex, Marriage, and the Christian Vision,” August 12 & 13 at St. Louis University.
Dr. Beverly Yahnke, DOXOLOGY’s Executive Director for Christian Counsel, observed, “It’s important for each of us to endorse Christian marriage and healthy sexuality.  Our culture is growing increasingly degenerate and decadent and sometimes it is hard to know how to respond.  We believe that moms and dads, grandparents, pastors and other church professionals won’t want to miss DOXOLOGY's upcoming conference.  We need to find our voice - especially in light of today’s ruling.  Some of the top presenters in the U.S. and Australia will be present at the conference to provide perspective, clarity and information designed to assist all of us to speak confidently about what marriage is and how to promote healthy sexuality publicly and privately in our unique vocations.”  is the link you'll need to register for the event, learn more about the conference speakers, topics, and preview the complete schedule .  


Concordia Theological Seminary President Responds to "SCOTUS" Decision

Supreme Court Ruling on Marriage
 June 26, 2015
Dear Friends,

By now, you have undoubtedly been reading and hearing much about today's Supreme Court ruling on marriage. While we continue to study what legal affects this decision may have on the congregations and institutions of our Synod, we do know that it is a disappointment to members of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) and Christians who hold to the biblical definition of marriage as the union of one man and one woman.

I am sure you have and will continue to be asked questions about this decision. To help prepare you to answer, Dr. Peter Scaer, associate professor of Exegetical Theology at Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne (CTSFW), has compiled some talking points concerning the decision. Peter is an outspoken supporter of marriage and the family and a leader within our community and the church-at-large. Some of his suggested guides for discussion include:
  • The Supreme Court decision changes nothing about our Christian faith.  We believe that there is still a higher court and that Christ will be our final Judge.  As Christians, we obey the government (Romans 13), but we recognize that our greatest allegiance is to God and His Word, and that in matters of conscience, “We must obey God rather than men” (Acts 5:29).
  • We therefore will continue to support one man one woman marriage, as it is taught in Genesis 1 and 2, and as it is taught by Christ Himself (Matthew 19:1-9 and Mark 10:1-12).
  • True loves calls us to speak the truth so that all may know the forgiveness and love of Christ.  We cannot celebrate that which God calls sin (Romans 1:18-32; 1 Corinthians 6:9). By doing so, we leave people in their sin, and apart from Christ.
  • The Church will continue to be a place of healing and forgiveness, restoration and mercy.  As our Lord has said, “Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick. I have not come to call the righteous but sinners to repentance” (Luke 5:31-32).

A complete list of these suggested talking points can be found here. I encourage you to read through them and share them as you deem appropriate with the members of your congregation so they, too, will be prepared to address this issue.

While we are disappointed in this decision, we find comfort in the knowledge that our God holds the deeds of all in His strong hands. We are strengthened by His unfailing presence and will move forward to share the message of the life-saving Gospel to a world that is so desperately in need of that simple and unchanging message.

I can leave you with no better words than this exhortation from St. Paul to the young pastor, Timothy. “I charge you in the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who is to judge the living and the dead, and by his appearing and his kingdom: preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, and exhort, with complete patience and teaching. For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths. As for you, always be sober-minded, endure suffering, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry.” (2 Timothy 4:1-5, ESV)

With you, in Christ’s service,
Lawrence R. Rast Jr.
Concordia Theological Seminary
Fort Wayne, Indiana

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SED Pres, Rev. Denninger, on "SCOTUS" decision


June 27, 2015

My dear Christian sisters and brothers,

"May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit"
(Romans 15:13).

What many anticipated is now the law of the land. The landmark majority decision by the Supreme Court legalized marriage for same-sex couples across all fifty states. The 5-4 vote among the justices reflects the divided views of the citizens of the United States and even those who come to our LCMS congregations. 

While we begin to feel the tremors of the decision and the aftershocks still to come, this is a result of a nation that has stepped away from it's Judeo-Christian foundations built directly on the bedrock of God's Word. For many decades our nation has been identified as the third largest mission field in the world.  That moniker was awarded as our population made choices to distance itself from God's Word. Decisions made in such a spiritual vacuum, without the benefit of the Word of God, naturally take the people further from God's intended design and loving will. 

The decision of the Supreme Court makes the ministry of your congregation even more significant. No matter what the law of the land, God's Word accomplishes what He wills. Through the power of the Holy Spirit:
  • Our Father's loving plan for all His children is revealed in Holy Scriptures
  • We learn of His great sacrifice in giving His Son for each of us
  • Our hearts are shaped to look more like Jesus through Word and Sacrament
  • We learn to love our neighbors with the Lord's great love
Through this means, the lives of people, their marriages and families are shaped according to God's wisdom and His loving design. 

My friends, while the Supreme Court's decision is now one day old, there will be many reactions for years to come. Future SED gatherings will give opportunity for theological discussion and practical tools for providing pastoral care and response. While shaping immediate response, I pray each of us will be known in the community as followers of Jesus who remain faithful to God's Word and active in demonstrating His love, even with those who disagree with us. It is important to remember many of the families in our congregations are directly impacted by this decision.  Our initial responses written on social media and voiced out loud may either open or close the door for ministry in the future to people around us. 

Please reflect on Paul's words, with which this letter began.  
"May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit"
(Romans 15:13).

Paul wrote these words to a Christian congregation in an empire that was antagonistic to Jesus, and His Word. Nonetheless, Paul encouraged them to be filled with God-sent hope. Our trust is in God.  With full-hearted faith pray for our nation, our leaders, husbands and wives, sons and daughters, and the institution of marriage and family. Be assured the Lord of the Church will use even this situation to advance His Kingdom into the hearts of His precious children. The darker it gets, the brighter His Light shines. Our hope founded in God, leads to an infectious joy and a deep-hearted peace. In every response may we be known as the people who are overflowing with faith, hope, and love through the power of the Holy Spirit. 

In the royal service of the King,
John R. Denninger, President
Southeastern District, LCMS

"Tending the Flame" SED Summer Conference

Tending the Flame
Joy Over One
Summer Outreach Conference
July 31 - August 2, 2015
Richmond VA

All ages welcome
*75 until July 1
$95 for registrations after July 1
Youth/Teen Program $35
(age 12-18)
Children's Program $25
(age 4-11)
Infant/Toddler care - free
(up to age 3)
District facebook
TTF facebook


This year the District summer conference has a workshop track with a Women's Ministry focus. Check out more information on this conference in Richmond.  Please share this email with people that may be interested.  

Connie Denninger
Using Images, Colors, and Design to Mark the Faith Story(Fri @1:00, Sat @1:30)
Connecting with people beyond words, using images, colors, and designs to uncover the faith story or to discover the power of visual prayer is one way to connect neighbors with Jesus.

Gail Ficken
Women - Maybe the Best Everyday Missionaries  
(Fri @2:30)
This workshop will offer an "anybody can be a missionary" model with a particular focus on women. Learn the simple rhythms of being a missionary in your world.

Belinda Bost
Bible Journaling - Discovering God  
(Fri @ 4:00, Saturday @11:00)
Journaling through scriptures, noting how the Word is speaking to you, revealing God, providing hope and encouragement for the day. Sometimes journaling looks a lot like note taking or reflections. Sometimes its in images and doodles inspired by the word. Belinda is an avid Bible Journalist. Join her to learn about Bible Journaling and how it may be the way to bring together a small group engaged in Bible study.

Other workshops include
  - Basic Social Media for Congregations   
  - Creating Imagaes that Speak  
  - Social Media to Celebrate Holy Days  
  - Families Connecting with the Heart of the Neighborhood  
  - Seeing God in the Cancer Journey  
A complete list of workshops is available on our website at

Registration now open - click here to register
Register by July 1 for $75, $95 after July 1
Youth/teen $35   Child $25

Hotel Link
DoubleTree Richmond/Midlothian
$95++ per night
select reservations and then "in house" reservation and tell them you are with the Southeastern District Lutheran Church

Southeastern Disrict
6315 Grovedale Drive
Alexandria, Virginia 22310