
Sunday, May 17, 2015

SED Convention 2015

The Lord be with you

The Southeastern District (SED) of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod meet in convention May 14-16. Wayne Mabb and myself represented Lamb of God. Officers were elected and resolutions were passed. Highlights included the announcement that all the Ablaze goals set by the SED have been met. Lamb of God helped with four of the five. Another highlight came with the resolutions relating to the iNeighborhood efforts, something Lamb of God is participating in. In a nutshell, it is an effort to bring the mission field to our own neighborhoods. Finally, the worship services were grand. One was in a contemporary style, which really isn't "my" style. To be honest, the words of the songs we sang were rather light-weight. The other services came from the hymnal, and the words of the hymns certainly had more weight. Rev. Ted Crandal was installed as our new Circuit Visitor. I, and the other Circuit Visitors that are stepping down, were given a beautiful Podesta plaque as a thank you gift for services rendered. Below are some photographs I took. If you want to know more about the iNeighborhood effort, check out

Blessings in Christ,

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