
Wednesday, May 27, 2015

SED 2015 Convention Final Report

President Denninger adjourned the 37th Convention of teh SED at 2:25 pm on Saturday, May 16. The proceedings of the 37th Convention are posted on the website.
Surrounded by Music
Convention music director Kyle McClure from Concordia, Conover directed the music not only for the Friday worship but also for daily bible studies and gathering music.
Electronic Voting
Each delegate received an electronic voting device. Delegates used these little machines and were able to view real time results for elections and as well as for resolution work.

Listening Prayer
Delegates stopped at key times during the Convention to listen from God's Word and pray for His wisdom and guidance in the decision making.

Prayers for the election of the President and members of the Board of Directors, for the work of Synod, President Harrison, and all who serve at the National level, and for the work of the congregations, schools, and missions of the SED were offered during these times.
SED Presidents
The convention was blessed with the presence of our President Emeritus.  From left to right. Rev. Dr. Jon Deifenthaler, Rev. Dr. Roy Maack, President Denninger, and Rev. Dr. Arthur Scherer.  Rev. Dr. Richard Hinz  and Rev. Dr. Charles Mueller were not able to attend.

Farewell and Thank You 
President Denninger recognized  Rev. Art Umbach and Cindy Hilewitz. Art will be retiring as the Central Region Mission and Ministry Facilitator in June. Cindy served as the Administrative Assistant to the Presidents Office for over 20 years. Cindy  will be re-locating to Texas in June.  God's blessings to both.
Board Of Directors Chair
Mr. Stu Nichols, Chairman of the SED BOD, served served nine years on the board.  Thank you Stu for your dedication and service to the Southeastern District. 
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We are a regional district of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod. The 212 churches, 91 schools and 45 missions are located in Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, Pennsylvania, District of Columbia, North and South Carolina. The SED office is located in Alexandria VA.
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