
Monday, January 12, 2015

Pastor, A Radio Personality?

The Lord be with you

Pastor Rickert has been asked to be a guest on KFUO am radio to do a live Bible study. The date of the program is Ash Wednesday, February 18 and the program will be at 9:00 am our time.

KFUO is the flagship radio station for the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod. It has been broadcasting for 90 years and is the home station of the Lutheran Hour. The station is located in St. Louis, MO, and broadcasts both on the am band and the fm band. The fm station broadcasts classical music and is known as Classic99. The am band is basically talk, though does play some music. Links to both am and fm bands can be found at the left-hand side of this blog. I should also say that the am band is broadcast during daylight hours only.

I will let you know just what portion of the Bible I will be leading the study on when I get that information.

Blessings in Christ,
Pastor John Rickert

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