
Thursday, January 29, 2015

LHF Reaches Out With God's Word

Please pray for Okach Opiew and his family...
Okach Omot Opiew lives with his wife and young children in the Dadaab Refugee Camp, located in Kenya near the Somalia border. Dadaab recently made U.S. headlines when members of Al Shabaab (al Qaeda’s affiliate in Somalia) opened fire on non-Muslims living in the camp.

“Life here is very dangerous, especially for Christians, because Dadaab is dominated by Muslims,” he says. “Christians are not allowed to live as Christians."

Yet it is in this setting that Okach perseveres in his work of translating Luther’s Small Catechism into the Anyuak language. Click here to read more about life in the camp and Okach's translation work.

Please pray for Sunday school teachers in Southeast Asia...
In Buddhist Southeast Asia, most Christians are first-generation. They know that teaching children and youth about Jesus is important, but many teachers simply don't know how, because they've never experienced Sunday school themselves.

Now, LHF has developed a Sunday school curriculum to help. Read more.

Please pray for families in Somalia...
Somalia is often called “the country most hostile to the Gospel” – a seemingly impossible mission. In the militantly Muslim country of Somalia, threats to physical safety are so great that only 0.01% of the population dare to call themselves Christian.

Now, American children are helping to share the Good News with their Somali brothers and sisters in Christ. Read how.


Please pray for future pastors in Sudan and South Sudan...
The vicars have returned for their final year of studies at the Concordia Lutheran Institute for the Holy Ministry! Please keep the students, their families, and their teachers in your prayers, that the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Sudan/South Sudan may grow!  Related story

Christian brothers and sisters need our help.

Every day, the Lutheran Heritage Foundation receives more requests for good Lutheran books and materials than we can possibly answer. Can you help?

Just $5 - that's all it takes to provide a book like Luther's Small Catechism or A Child's Garden of Bible Stories to someone waiting to learn more about their Savior and ours, Jesus Christ. Click here to direct your support to Lutherans like Okach in Kenya, Peter in South Sudan, or Boom in Thailand.

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