
Thursday, August 14, 2014

LCMS Aid to Fight Ebola in Africa

African partners Suffering
effects of deadly Ebola virus

In answer to requests for help and reaching out in Christ’s mercy, The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod has given three grants — to Lutherans in Guinea and Liberia as well as to Lutheran World Relief — to assist people affected by the outbreak of Ebola in West Africa.

The effects of the deadly Ebola virus are “being suffered and felt in many ways” — including the deaths of two Lutherans suspected of having the disease, according to the Rev. Amos Bolay, president and bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Liberia (ELCL).

The grants, totaling $51,175, include $25,000 to the ELCL; $20,000 to Lutheran World Relief; and $6,175 to the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Guinea. The grants follow two previous grants totaling $16,554, distributed to the Synod’s African partners earlier this year.

Click here to learn more about the deaths of twoLutherans in Liberia as a result of the disease and how the outbreak isaffecting LCMS missionaries.

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