Friday after the Feast of the Holy Trinity
June 20, 2014
The Lord be with you

At Lamb of God we celebrate the Lord's Supper on every second and fourth Sunday as well as on major feasts and festivals. This coming Sunday is a fourth Sunday so, even though we celebrated the Lord's Supper last Sunday because it was the Feast of the Holy Trinity, we will still celebrate the Sacrament this Sunday because it is a fourth Sunday. That means we will use Divine Service, setting three (page 184), and not Matins, use the Introit for the Day and not the Psalm for the Day, and have three additional hymns for our distribution hymns. Our Distribution Hymns will be:
"May God Bestow on Us His Grace"
LSB 824
"Come, Let Us Eat"
LSB 626
"Saints, See the Cloud of Witnesses"
LSB 667
Blessings in Christ,
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