
Thursday, May 1, 2014

NATIONAL DAY OF PRAYER  A message from the Southeastern District, LCMS

Prepared by the LCMS Commission on Worship for the National Day of Prayer.

"Lord God, Gracious Father, one of the richest blessings You have given us is Your promise to hear our prayers. That promise is even more precious in these uncertain days when unrest, war, and terrorism fill many hearts with fear and anxiety. On this National Day of Prayer we come before You to beg for mercy and grace upon our land and its people, and for all the peoples of all the nations. We come, trusting in Your Son and the great redemption He won for us by His sacrifice on Calvary. It is in His name that we pray.

We know the truth, O Lord, that we are not worthy of Your love. You fill our lives with so many good things, and we take them for granted without giving You adequate thanks and praise. Again and again we have been poor stewards of Your bounty, careless and selfish in the use of Your gifts. We have not loved You with our whole heart. We have not loved our neighbors as ourselves. We have not shared Your gifts with those in need. Too often we have said "no" to Your will so that we might say "yes" to our own desires and wishes. O Lord, we ask Your forgiveness for all our sins. Do not remember us for our failures O Lord, but remember the sacrifice of Your Son, and for His sake hear the prayers of Your repentant people.

 O Blessed Spirit, on the Day of Pentecost You came to call unto Yourself a pilgrim people. You entered into the hearts of those first believers, filled them with zeal and courage, and sent them into the world to proclaim the promise of the eternal Kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ. Down through the centuries You have blessed Your church as it has reached out to touch the hearts and lives of the people for whom Christ died. We come to You this day to ask Your continued blessing on the church. Where it is in error, correct it. Where it is in danger, protect it. Where it suffers from persecution,preserve it. Where it is weak, strengthen it. Where it is in conflict, give it unity. Where it prospers, grant Your blessing. Bless the work of pastors, teachers, evangelists and all those who go in Your name to bring Your Gospel to all the world. Open the hearts and minds of those who don't know You,that they may join with us in proclaiming You as Savior and Lord.

Lord Jesus, You told us that we should call on You in the day of trouble. This is a troubled time in our nation's history. Our peaceful life has been shattered by terrorist acts, and we seem to be caught up in dreadful turmoil. O Father, we are limited in our wisdom, flawed in our understanding, caught up in a problem we did not create, and confronted with a crisis we don't know how to deal with. Be with the leaders of our nation,especially with our president and those who advise him, as well as the leaders of all the nations. Give them wisdom and insight that they may make wise and righteous decisions. Keep them from blind pride and haughty arrogance. Let their actions and choices lead them to do that which is right and pleasing in Your sight. According to Your will grant us peace. Lord, in Your mercy, hear our prayer." 

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