
Friday, May 9, 2014

LC-MS President, Rev. Dr. Matthew Harrison on the Global Seminary Initiative

Supporting Unity in the One True Faith

The world has changed from the time of sending LCMS missionaries out to places where people had never heard the Gospel. In most parts of the world today, partner churches or potential partner churches exist, and they firmly believe that one of the best qualities of the LCMS is our theology as it is handed down from one generation to the next. Lutherans in other countries are clamoring for the Biblical treasures we steward in the LCMS, handed to us in the Lutheran Confessions. They are our niche, the most important of our core competencies, closely followed by our commitment to education excellence.

Together you and I are well-positioned to make a world of difference by assisting these relatively young Lutheran church bodies to live them in their own confession of faith.

As each new partner church takes root and grows, they express a desire to establish their own seminaries and prepare their own pastors to teach and proclaim the one true faith, salvation through faith in Jesus Christ alone. Congregations in these countries want faithful Lutheran pastors who understand their culture, their neighbors, and their struggles as they teach this one true faith. They want their own sons to be their pastors and church leaders, shepherds well- grounded in Scripture and the Lutheran Confessions.

The Global Seminary Initiative (GSI) exists to equip current partner church pastors to serve as well-formed seminary professors, as well as future partner church leaders with the capacity to form future generations of spiritual shepherds and plant new congregations.


We earnestly desire you to be directly involved in this effort, joining us as we appeal to our Father in heaven to bless this work through special prayers, and by including GSI in your charitable giving as our heavenly Father allows.

So I boldly ask you to take a few minutes to first learn about our Synod’s Global Seminary Initiative, and to contemplate the impact it could have on our brothers and sisters around the world. You can watch the video below, or visit

I also ask you to help me share the story of GSI with your brothers and sisters in Christ. Forwarding this email or speaking about GSI in your congregation will help us tremendously
If you agree that this is a good thing for the LCMS to do, please consider making a special gift. Every person who supports the Global Seminary Initiative helps empower our partner churches as they become self-sustaining, preparing future generations of indigenous Lutheran pastors and church leaders who possess the depth of our theology as Lutherans.

Rev. Dr. Matthew C. Harrison, President
The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod

For additional information about supporting GSI as a donor or volunteer spokesperson, contact LCMS Mission Advancement at 888-930-4438.

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