
Thursday, August 8, 2013

Saying "Welcome, God Is With You!" & Saying "Goodbye, God Go With You!"

Reception cake made
by member Connie Melton
(Always beautiful and delicious!)
Ah, the first of many celebrations slated for the next few months of the year has come at last!

Cyril Ignatius blessed by Pastor John Rickert

Many, if not most, of the members and friends of Lamb of God Lutheran know that we have taken in some new members recently. 

Glenn (left), smiling as usual, & member
Bob Pike shaking hands with Cyril

Glenn, Pastor John and Cyril
Well, we have added a couple more: Dr. Cyril Ignatius Kenrick & Mr. Errold Glenn Johnson (he goes by either Glenn or "Smiley")! Last Sunday, we officially brought these men into our church family, offering them the right hand of fellowship. 

We held a small reception for them after worship. During the same reception, we, as a congregation, sent off to college one of our shining stars, Dixie Ann Chastain. 

Dixie will be attending USC in Columbia, so we hope she comes home sometimes (but she may go to other states, maybe overseas, who knows what her future holds) - actually, God knows exactly what He has planned for Dixie. And, with the Holy Spirit's guidance, she will walk in her God-given Christian faith, paid for by the blood of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. 
Dixie Chastain (left) with
her mom, Rachel Swain
We pray this for Dixie, as well as for Cyril and Glenn, and all who take up their cross daily, with a spirit not of timidity, but of strength and power promised to us by God's Holy Spirit, as we grow in His word and walk in His way! God's richest blessings to all of you.

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