
Friday, December 7, 2012

Worship for Advent II & Wed following (2012)

Commemoration of Ambrose of Milan, Pastor and Hymnwriter
Friday after the First Sunday in Advent
December 7, 2012

The Lord be with you

This coming Sunday is the Second Sunday in Advent. The appointed lessons are: Malachi 3:1-7b; Philippians 1:2-11; and Luke 3:1-20. Our liturgy will be Divine Service I (page 151). This is a communion service. Our opening hymn is “The King Shall Come When Morning Dawns” (LSB 348). The sermon hymn is “Herald, Sound the Note of Judgment” (LSB 511). The closing hymn is “Go, My Children, with My Blessing” (LSB 922). The distribution hymns are “Christ is Surely Coming” (LSB 508), “O Lord, We Praise Thee” (LSB 617), and “Once He Came in Blessing” (LSB 333). The sermon is titled “An Obsolete Idea” and the text is Malachi 3:2. The choir will be singing “Advent Prayer.”

Aside from our regular prayers, we will remember the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Ghana, the Concordia International School in Hanoi, the persecuted believers in Algeria and our sister congregations Christ and Church of St. Andrew, Silver Springs, MD; First, Sunderland, MD; Oxon Hill, Temple Hills, MD; and Incarnate Word, Sumter, SC

The adult Sunday school class will begin part four of the four-part study The Intersection of Church and State.

After the worship service the LWML will have a meeting.

If you have a Jewish friend, you may want to wish them a happy Hanukkah on Sunday.

On Wednesday we will again have a 12:15 service and a 7:00 pm service. The “noon” service uses Responsive Prayer I (page 282) and sings only the homily hymn. The evening service uses Vespers (page 229) and sings three hymns. The opening hymn is “Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus,” (LSB 338). The homily hymn is “Comfort, Comfort Ye My People,” (LSB 347). The closing hymn is “Abide, O Dearest Jesus,” (LSB 919).The scripture lesson is Isaiah 40:1-11. The homily is titled “Waiting with Comfort.” This Wednesday we will “Green” the church (meaning we will decorate it). Those at the “noon” service will begin and those at the evening service will finish the job.

Also each Wednesday in Advent we have a soup supper that begins at 6:15 pm and choir practice following the evening service.

Below is a video of Sunday’s opening hymn, “The King Shall Come When Morning Dawns.” Once again, the video is from the Lutheran Warbler.  

One final note: Over the past Church Year I have posted information concerning each of the commemorations/feasts/festivals in our Church Year. If you are interested in reading something about the feast/festival/commemoration on any particular day, you can go to those posts. I may, from time to time, put something new up but I will not be making that effort as I did last year. The foundation has been laid.

Well, I pray I’ll see you Sunday.

Blessings in Christ,
Pastor John Rickert

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