
Friday, June 1, 2012

SED Convention Report -1

Commemoration of Justin, Martyr
June 1, 2012

The Lord be with you

It has been a full day at the SED convention filled with worship, prayer, reports and voting. The theme of the convention is “Till all have heard.” We elected Rev. Dr. John R. Denninger as our new president. He is currently service at the pastor of Prince of Peace in Springfield, VA. As the position of SED President is a full-time call, Prince of Peace will be entering the call process. We should keep that congregation in our prayers as well as our new president.

Each of the candidates for the office were asked to provide a Vision Statement for the SED, and LCMS. John’s statement was:

Compelled by the words: “Till all have heard” my vision for the SED churches, schools and ministries

*          Spiritual Transformation/Revitalization
            We are experiencing a renewal of spiritual vitality demonstrated by:
  • A desire to saturate our lives in God’s word and Sacraments
  • A faith that believes: with God all things are possible
  • Relationships restored as we practice confession and forgiveness
  • Stories of anwered prayer: using new and ancient tools
  • Passion ofr those disconnected from Christ

*          20017 ABLAZE Goals Surpassed
            By God’s grace in 5 years:
  • 3000 Prayer Partners
  • 2.5 million faith-sharing conversations
  • 100 ministries planted
  • Outreach leaders equipped-60 teams deployed

*          Incarnational Ministry Supported
            In grateful response to Christ dwelling among us, we recognize that God’s greatest gifts are in the people, so we:
  • Equip/deploy leaders to ministries inside, but especially outside our church and school walls
  • Sacrificially share spiritual and material gifts ensuring the mission of Christ grows
  • Celebrate congregations partnering to search and find unreached people between their churches

*          Mission: 2018 and Beyond
A comprehensive plan identifying strategic footholds for a Great Commission ministry among the 30 million people living in the SED boundaries beginning in 2018

Elected as 1st VP was the Rev. Dr. David Maac. Elected as 2nd VP was the Rev. William A. Harmon. Elected as 3rd VP was Rev. William Beyer. Elected to the office of Secretary was Rev John Kassouf of Risen Christ in Myrtle Beach. Elected to the office of Treasurer was Mr. Thomas Demik. (This office must be filled by a member of the laity.

Of course other offices and boards were filled.

Among the reports was a special report from synod president, Rev. Dr. Matthew Harrison. He was also the preacher at this evenings worship service.

All in all, I’d say most everyone in attendance was glad they came.

Blessings in Christ,
Pastor John Rickert

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