Monday after Easter 6
May 14, 2012
The Lord be with you
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Cyril and Methodius preaching in Bohemia |
The Lutheran Service
Book, following the lead of the Eastern Orthodox Church, sets aside May 11 to
remember the two brothers Cyril and Methodius. The full name of the day is the “Commemoration
of Cyril and Methodius, Missionaries to the Slavs.” The 11th was
this past Friday, but I failed to put a post about them on the blog that day.
However, I don’t think we should skip them, so I’m providing a post concerning
them today.
Cyril and Methodius were two of seven children, born to a
senatorial family in Thessalonica. Methodius was the older of the two, born
around 825. Cryil was born around 827 and was given the name Constantine.
Raised in a Christian home, the brothers were committed followers of our Lord.
Both of the boys became priests. Methodius attained high
rank in his province of Macedonia
before he entered the monastic life. Cyril was educated at Constantinople
and became a noted professor of philosophy. He also was the librarian at Hagia
Sophia (Holy Wisdom). After a while, he relocated to Bithynai, not far from
Around 863 the Emperor sent them to Moravia
as Christian missionaries at the request of the local ruler Rostislav, who
wanted them to teach in the vernacular. They accepted the call with enthusiasm.
There were already missionaries in the area, sent by German bishops. However,
these German missionaries believed that the only useable languages for the
Gospel were the three used on the plaque posted on the cross above Jesus (Greek,
Latin, & Hebrew). Not surprisingly, the German bishops resented this new
effort, feeling that Methodius and Cyril were encroaching on their territory.
Methodius and Cyril faced a common problem among
missionaries. While the people had a spoken language, they didn’t have a
written language. (This was probably why the German bishops didn’t advocate
proclaiming the Christian message in the vernacular. How could they give the people
a copy of the Bible or provide them with a written liturgy when they didn’t
have a written language?) So Methodius and Cyril, aside from learning and
preaching the Gospel in the vernacular, also developed an alphabet for the
Glagothithic language, which was what the Slavs spoke. The alphabet was based
on the capital letters of the Greek alphabet and has come down to our day in
the form of the Cyrillic alphabet (modern Russian). For this reason, they are
considered the founders of Slavonic literature.
Finding resistance from the German bishops, who among other
things, refused to ordain them or their followers, they decided to return to Byzantium
to receive aid from the emperor. While in Venice,
the Pope sent for them. Upon arriving in Rome
in 887, Pope Hadrian II received them with great honor. The Pope confirmed
Cyril’s Slavonic translations. Cyril had been ill for some time when he arrived
in Rome and, February 14, 869, fifty days after taking the
monastic habit and the name Cyril by which he is known, he died at the age of
forty-two. Cyril was buried in the basilica of San Clemente
(Saint Clement), whose relics Methodius and Cyril had brought with them to Rome.
After Cyril’s death, Pope Hadrian made Methodius
Metropolitan of Sirmium and he returned to the Slavic mission field for sixteen
more years. Of course, his work continued to meet (sometime violent)
opposition, not only from the German bishops but also from the pagans.
Methodius was imprisoned for two years, being released only through the
intervention of the Pope. He later faced charges of false doctrine (brought by
the German bishops) and had to appear before the Pope, but he was cleared of
all charges. He died in Czechoslovakia,
April 6, 885 (Tuesday in Holy
Receiving support from both Rome
and Constantinople, these brother-missionaries are an
inspiration for cooperation between churches in the work of the Lord. Their
idea of developing a written language so the Gospel could be published in the
vernacular foreshadowed the work of Luther and others in translating the Bible,
liturgy, hymns, and other Christian works into the vernacular some 700-odd
years later. Their willingness to stand up for the Lord in the face of
persecution is an inspiration for all who must do the same.
Collect for the Day:
O Lord our God, through the ministry of Your servants Cyril and Methodius You
brought the gospel to the Slavic nations: Protect Your faithful people, make
them known for their unity and their faith, guide them by Your word and
teaching, and ever protect them under the shadow of Your wings; through Your
Son Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and forever. Amen.
Blessings in Christ,
Pastor John Rickert
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