
Friday, March 23, 2012

Asia in Mission - March 2012

Friday in the week of Lent 4
March 23, 2012

The Lord be with you

Every Sunday, at Lamb of God Lutheran Church, we pray for believers in other denominations. Most often (but not always) those denominations are “partner” churches with the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod. A “partner” church is a denomination with which we are in “pulpit and altar” fellowship. That means we can call their pastors to be ministers in our churches and vice versa (pulpit) and our members are welcome to receive the Lord’s Supper in their congregations and vice versa (altar). To put that another way, we pretty much see eye to eye on key theological issues.

The link below will take you to the March 2012 “Asia in Mission” newsletter. This will give you an update on our partner churches throughout Asia, which I thought would be of interest because we pray for them in our worship services. You can either download it in a pdf format or view it on-screen. Just click on the form you want.

Link to Asia in Mission

Blessings in Christ,
Pastor Rickert

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