
Monday, November 14, 2011

Transforming This Christmas

Commemoration of Emperor Justinian, Christian Ruler and Confessor of Christ
November 14, 2011

The Lord be with you

The Church Year is rapidly drawing to a close. The Advent season, the first season in the Church Year, will officially begin Sunday, November 27. This is followed by the Christmas Season, which lasts 12 days and begins on December 25. Epiphany (January 6) commemorates (among other things) the arrival of the Wise Men in Bethlehem.

For the next month and a half we will be hearing Christmas songs, watching Christmas specials, buying Christmas gifts, and generally getting ready for December 25th in some fashion. The goal is often to have a Christmas to remember, one full of laughter, joy, friendship, hope and peace.

However times are tough. Many people are having a difficult time making ends meet. Maybe you have been out of work far too long. Maybe your marriage is in a bad way. Maybe your children have gotten caught up in the wrong crowd. Maybe one of your loved ones is in the military and engaged somewhere around the world. Maybe you, or a loved one, is struggling with a serious illness. Maybe you have lost a loved one to death.

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if this Christmas we could rise above the turmoil in our lives? Wouldn’t it be great if you could really find joy and peace despite all the burdens you carry and the mad, hectic preparations for Christmas?

This is just the point of the Lutheran Hour Ministries Advent/Christmas devotions this year. Copies of “Transforming This Christmas” have been placed in the mail boxes at Lamb of God. However you can also have the devotions sent to you by e-mail, read them on line, or listen to them read to you by clicking here.

These devotions were written by LHM’s Theological Editor and Writer Rev. Wayne Palmer.

Blessings in Christ,
Pastor John Rickert

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