
Wednesday, May 25, 2011

The Benedictus for Morning Prayer

Wednesday after Easter 5
May 25, 2011

The Lord be with you

This coming Sunday we will be using Morning Prayer (LSB page 235) for our morning worship service. We only use this service about four times a year. It is one of the “new” services in the Lutheran Service Book. The congregation does well with most of the music, but we kind of struggle with the Benedictus (page 238) (The Benedictus is Zechariah's Song from Luke 1:68-79). I was checking out the web to see if I could find something to help and stumbled across the site for Christ Lutheran in Sioux Falls, SC. They have a page titled “For Your Devotions – LSB Treasury Audio – Daily Offices Chants and Canticles”. On this page are audio files for the various chants and canticles in the LSB services of Matins, Vespers, Compline, Morning Prayer, and Evening Prayer. These are professionally produced tracts, available from CPH on the CD "Evening & Morning the Music of Lutheran Daily Prayer."

All you need to do is click on the play button next to whatever piece you want to hear, and it begins to play. I suggest the members of Lamb of God click on and listen to the Benedictus on page 238 for Morning Prayer and listen a couple of times before Sunday. If you have a hymnal, then sing along. Not only will this aid you Sunday morning, but you will then be able to aid those who do not have computers.

The link is:

Blessings in Christ
Pastor John Rickert

1 comment:

  1. Pastor Rickert,

    Thank you for linking to our site.

    While South Carolina is probably quite nice (never been east of Chicago), Sioux Falls is located in South Dakota.

    In Christ, the Lord of the Church,
    Michael Grooms
