
Friday, February 18, 2011


Commemoration of Martin Luther, Doctor and Confessor
February 18, 2011

CTCR approves fellowship with Siberian church
By Roland Lovstad

Recognition of altar and pulpit fellowship with the Siberian Evangelical Lutheran Church (SELC) and a document on theological criteria for assessing cooperative endeavors among other Christians and church bodies were approved by the Commission on Theology and Church Relations (CTCR) during its Dec. 16-18 meeting in St. Louis.

Following the CTCR action on Dec. 17, LCMS President Rev. Matthew C. Harrison, having previously consulted with the LCMS Praesidium (vice-presidents), declared recognition of altar and pulpit fellowship with the SELC.

The procedure for declaring fellowship with [To finish the story follow the link.]

This story appeared in the February 2011 printed version of Reporter, the official newspaper of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod. Other stories include:

Life march: Lutherans share ‘unique blessing’

A year after Haiti quake, Lutherans still help

Seltz takes ‘Lutheran Hour’ speaker post

112th congress includes six LCMS Lutherans

Teacher finds 340-year-old copy of Luther’s Bible

There are also stories about Ablaze!, the new emphasis in the LCMS “Mercy.Witness.Life Together,” our participation in the “Martin Luther Experience” being planned in Wittenberg, mission opportunities, and more. To see the on-line version go to

Blessings in Christ,
Pastor Rickert

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