
Monday, October 4, 2010

District Ablaze Sunday

Monday after Pentecost 19
October 4, 2010

The Lord be with you

This coming Sunday, Pentecost 20, October 10, will be “District Ablaze Sunday.” I will post information about our worship service later this week. However I’d like to take this opportunity to introduce you to Sally Hiller. Sally will be visiting with us Sunday and sharing what is happening around the district in reference to reaching out with the Gospel.

Sally Hiller serves Southeastern District, LCMS congregations, schools, and missions as the Executive Director for Congregational Outreach and District Operations. One of her priorities is lifting up the goal of 2.5 million faith sharing moments within the Southeastern District. As a result of this work, she is blessed to learn of the many ways individuals are sharing Jesus with others. Sally works with schools, disaster response and communications.

In addition to her work within the Southeastern District, she has participated on several Task Forces and Committees for the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod, including LCMS Outreach Task Force, Urban Schools Task Force, and developing guidelines for Reduction in Force.

She and her husband, Chuck who is a high school teacher in Laurel MD rejoice in a growing family now numbering two daughters, two son-in-laws, and three grandsons. Quiet moments are spent gardening, puppetry, and enjoying being with family. Sally considers herself a scrapstorian and loves creating scrapbook pages to record the stories of family and faith.

A 1976 graduate of Valparaiso University from the Deaconess program, she served three congregations before being led to serve the Southeastern District in 1993. Sally completed a Master of Science in Administration through Trinity College, DC in 2001. She is a member at Ascension Lutheran Church in Landover Hills MD.

Blessings in Christ,
Pastor John Rickert

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