
Wednesday, September 22, 2010

LCMS Constitution Amendments & LOG Voters' Meeting

Wednesday after Pentecost 17
September 22, 2010
First Day of Fall

The Lord be with you

The Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod met in a national convention this past July 10-17. Along with much other work, they passed two constitutional amendments which the congregations of the LC-MS are now being asked to either approve or disapprove. The first one was Resolution 8-10, “To Amend Constitution Articles X and XI.” If approved by the congregations of the LC-MS this would change the name of the office of “Vice-President-Finance-Treasurer” to “Chief Financial Officer” and make the position an appointed position. The second amendment we are being asked to vote on was Resolution 8-27, “To Add a New Article XIV.” This proposed amendment adds clarity to the relationship between the Bylaws and the Constitution of the Synod. When the Synod was formed we actually had no bylaws, only a constitution, therefore there was no need to be clear about which held preeminence.

Lamb of God has a regularly scheduled Voters’ Meeting on Sunday, October 17. We will cast our vote at that time. Two-thirds of the congregations in the Synod need to approve the constitutional changes for them to go into effect.

You can get all the official convention news at:

There were other changes made in the constitution at the convention. As the ballots arrive we will consider each one and vote on them.

Blessings in Christ
Pastor John Rickert

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