Citizenship Day
September 17, 2010
The Lord be with you
This past Sunday (Pentecost 16) I was blessed to participate in the installation service of Pastor Lawrence (Larry) M. Eckart at Island Lutheran Church in Hilton Head Island, SC. There was a good turnout with 136 in attendance, 16 of which were pastors. Below is a picture of the pastors who were present and where they serve. “EM” stands for “Emeritus.” Emeritus is a term which means the individual is retired after long and faithful service and in recognition of that service they retain their title.
Back Row: Reverends Steve Saxe (Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd, Greenville), Tim Sandeno (Good Shepherd Lutheran, Charleston), Bill Seaman (SED Mission and Ministry Fascinator), John Rickert (Lamb of God Lutheran, Spartanburg, Circuit Counselor), Dave Panning (Holy Lamb Lutheran, Myrtle Beach), Ed Grant (Calvary Lutheran, Charleston), John Kassouf (Risen Christ Lutheran, Myrtle Beach)
Middle Row: Reverends Ron Schlegel (EM), John Graudin (EM), Dan Quiram (former Vacancy Pastor of Island Lutheran), Dan Lunick (EM), Larry Eckart (Island Lutheran, Hilton Head Island), Christopher Burger (Holy Trinity Lutheran, Columbia), Ted Crandall (Faith Lutheran, Beaufort), Bob Duddleston (EM)
Front: Reverend Clifford Gade (EM)
The reception after the installation was great and the members of Island Lutheran are looking forward to an exciting new chapter in the life of their church. What a wonderful God we have who has preserved the ministry of Word and Sacrament at Island Lutheran.
Blessings in Christ
Pastor John Rickert
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