
Saturday, July 17, 2010

The Synod Speaks on Human Trafficking/Slavery

Saturday after Pentecost 7
July 17, 2010

The Lord be with you

I am delighted to share the following e-mail with the readers of this blog. It is from Rev. Sandeno, the pastoral delegate from our circuit to the LC-MS Synodical Convention sent to the pastors in our circuit.

    Dear Brothers in Christ,

    Well, we are now into the final day. Two of the floor committees have concluded their business, yet we have many resolutions that have not been presented. The floor is getting anxious to move things through quickly in order to accomplish as much as possible, but at the same time recognizes the need to discuss and debate the merits of the actions proposed.

    I am pleased to announce that Resolution 6-07A "To Support Efforts to End Human Trafficking/Slavery" passed with resounding approval on Thursday. This resolution is a slightly changed version of what was first submitted by Lamb of God and received the endorsement of circuit 18 and the SED in convention. While she did not get to speak, Linda Hartke, president and CEO of Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service wrote a letter thanking our Synod for taking such action against "this degrading and sinful practice." I will share her letter in full upon my return.

    Blessings to all in your final preparations for the Lord's Day.

    Pax Christi,
    + Pastor Sandeno

If I get a copy of Linda Hartke’s letter I will share it with you. The resolution, as presented at the convention, removed some of the biblical support found in the original’s resolves but it is solid. Its wording can be found in an earlier post on this blog. I pray that this action will encourage our congregations to remember the enslaved in their Sunday morning worship services.

Blessings in Christ,
Pastor John Rickert

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