Commemoration of Justin Martyr
June 1, 2010
The Lord be with you
We were on the road by 7:30 AM and ended the day in Flagstaff, AZ. That means we crossed two time zones. We are now three hours different from home. While still in Oklahoma we stopped at a Cherokee Trading Post (tourist trap). They had two American Buffalos. Kitty bought some earrings made from porcupine quills. At the Texas Welcome Center, about half way through the panhandle, we stopped for a picnic lunch. I wrestled a steer while there. They have flags flying that represent all the governments that have held control of all or part of Texas (Spain, France, Mexico, Texas as an independent republic, the Confederate States and the USA). The landscape in Oklahoma was already very different from South Carolina, and it remained so all day. We were traveling over I 40, which in many places runs parallel to old Rout 66. This cuts through the Great Plains, which is a High Desert. The Plains run to the horizon. It is like looking out over the ocean, only instead of water as far as you can see, it is the Great Plains. Out of New Mexico and into Arizona, We began to see bluffs. These rise right out of the plains in a near vertical direction. We ate an okay dinner in a town called Hopi. All along I 40 we have passed countless towns, streams and roads with very unusual names. I wish I had copied them down. Someone with more skill than I could make a poem out of them. After night fall the stars came out. We were miles away from any city lights, and the sky was full of the stars. This was our last hard-drive-day. Starting tomorrow we have more sight-seeing scheduled.
The Picture below are:
1. One of the buffalos we saw
2. Kitty sporting her new earrings
3. Me steer wresting
4. The Great Plains
5. Rachel and her “new” glasses
6. Some Plains Bluffs
7. Some grass blowing in the wind on the Great Plains
Blessings in Christ
,Pastor John Rickert
Dixie & Gregory got strange & wonderful unknown, unmarked gifts throughout the trip, one of which was pipe cleaners. With them we made a plethora of cool things, including Rachel's spiffy glasses! The pictures of this beautiful grass - well, Kitty was driving at 75 mph (the legal speed limit) when John said "Stop! I want a picture of this grass!" So she did, rather abruptly, according to her passengers! But, isn't the shot worth it?