
Wednesday, May 5, 2010

No Longer the Assistant

Commemoration of Frederick the Wise, Christian Ruler
May 5, 2010

The Lord be with you

As readers of this blog, and members of Lamb of God Lutheran, know, I was appointed as the assistant Circuit Counselor of Circuit 18, last year. Most circuits do not have an assistant Circuit Counselor, but our Circuit Counselor's (Rev. Clifford Gade) health was poor and it was hoped that, with my assistance, he would be able to complete his three year term. This has not been the case. Effective the end of April, Rev. Gade resigned his position due to his health. I have been filling in, and in that capacity, I am currently attending the Southeastern District’s Circuit Counselor’s meeting. At this meeting Rev Jon Diefenthaler, our District President, appointed me to the office to fill out Rev. Gade’s term. He did this after consulting with the pastors and churches of Circuit 18.

This is both an honor and a great responsibility. By God’s grace, I hope to fill the position in an evangelical fashion. Back on October 30, 2009 I posted an article titled “An History and theology of the Circuit Counselor.” You may wish to read it to find out a little more about this office.

Blessings in Christ,
Pastor John Rickdert

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