February 15, 2010
The Lord be with you
Ash Wednesday is only a couple of days away. Most liturgical churches will have special Ash Wednesday services, and Lamb of God Lutheran will be no exception to that. We will have two services, one at 12:15 PM and the second at 7:00 PM. We will continue to hold services each Wednesday through the Lenten Season at 12:15 and 7:00 PM. The 12:15 service is shorter to accommodate people who might wish to worship on their lunch hour. It is also more convenient for those who do not wish to drive their cars after dark. To help keep this service short the liturgy is spoken and only one hymn is sung. The evening service is longer as the liturgy will be sung and we will have three hymns.

Both the 12:15 and the 7:00 services will be longer on Ash Wednesday then the rest of the Lenten services. That is because both services will include the traditional imposition of Ash and the celebration of the Lord’s Supper.
At Lamb of God our messages in our Lenten services rotate between a focus on a Catechetical theme and a selected Lenten theme. This year we have our focus on Catechetical themes. The use of the Lenten services for focusing on basic Christian truths is an ancient practice. This year we will be taking a closer look at the biblical truths contained in the Apostles’ Creed. We will spend two week on each article. Ash Wednesday’s message is titled “God, the Father Almighty.”
During the 12:15 service we will sing “We All Believe in One True God” (LSB 953). During the evening service we will also sing “O Lord, throughout These Forty Days (LSB 418), “O Lord, We Praise Thee” (LSB 617), and “Lord, Dismiss Us with Your Blessing” (LSB 924).
Whether or not you live in Spartanburg and can worship with us, I encourage you to worship the Lord this Ash Wednesday, and each Wednesday this Lenten season.
Blessings in Christ,
Pastor John Rickert
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