
Tuesday, September 8, 2009

LCMS Convention Represenatives Elected

Tuesday after Pentecost 14
September 8, 2009

The Lord be with you

This past Saturday, September 5, 2009, Circuit 18 of the SED (of which Lamb of God Lutheran (LCMS) is a member) had a Circuit Convocation. At it we elected our pastoral and lay representatives for next year’s Synodical Convention. In many ways this Synodical Convention will stand out as unusual. First it will be two days longer than usual conventions. Second it will not be able to complete all the work that the Synod’s officials hope to accomplish. Third, the unfinished business will be accomplished in two or three post-convention conventions (probably held in St. Louis, MO). So the individuals elected will be attending more than just the Houston convention. The “unfinished” business will have to do with Synod structure. The decisions these representatives reach will have a real impact on our denomination long after I’ve gone to Glory. It is our responsibility as Christians to pray for all the delegates, asking God to guide the convention for the sake of His Church. Our Circuit's representatives are: Pastor Timothy Sandeno from Good Shepherd Lutheran in Charleston, SC, and Mr. John F., Lang from Lutheran Church of the Incarnate Word in Florence, SC. The alternate pastoral delegate is me (Pastor John Rickert) and Mr. Andrew Robson from Holy Trinity Lutheran in Columbia, SC. The alternates attend the convention if for some reason the representatives that are elected cannot attend.

Blessings in Christ,
Pastor John Rickert

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