
Friday, September 4, 2009

JAMES the apostle of FAITH

Friday after Pentecost 12
September 4, 2009

This coming Sunday the epistle lesson is from James 2. In preparing for my sermon I revisited a book I read over 20 years ago, JAMES the apostle of FAITH by Dr. David Scaer. I know I liked the book as a neophyte pastor, but now, with over 20 years of preaching under my belt, I feel Dr. Scaer’s insights are beyond good and well into profound. If the book of James has ever troubled you, I recommend you read David Scaer’s book.

I will say that the vocabulary makes the book difficult to read for the Christian who has not been attending a good Bible study. By a good Bible study I mean one that pays attention to the Greek language, isn’t afraid to tackle tough theological issues, and willing to explain some theological and historical terms. (In-other-words, probably the class your pastor teaches.) If you have not been attending such a Bible study then you will no doubt need to look a few things up. On the up-side, Scaer does transliterate all the Greek words to which he refers.

If you are thinking of teaching a class on James, this is a must read. At a mere 141 pages the dividends will be enormous.

The book is published by Concordia Publishing House.

Blessings in Christ,
Pastor John Rickert

1 comment:

  1. After Sunday's sermon, I see the book of James in a whole new way! I many need to read this book to get a better handle on James.
