
Sunday, August 16, 2009

Lamb of God in the News

Sunday, Pentecost 11
August 16, 2009

The Lord be with you

The installation of Rev. Ted Crandall as the new Associate Pastor of Lamb of God Lutheran Church (LCMS) was in the Herald-Journal newspaper yesterday. The Herald-Journal is the main newspaper in Spartanburg, SC. To read the article click here.

Blessings in Christ,
Pastor John Rickert

1 comment:

  1. Pastor Rickert,
    I sent the link to your statement re ELCA action in Minneapolis to some of my fellow parishioners as well as my pastor. Here is the text of my message:

    Here (attached) is the witness of an LCMS pastor (mentioned in our own ILC bulletin today) who, on his church's site and on a timely basis (8-21-2009), elected to speak out unequivocably on recent public developments within the ELCA. As an ordained servant of the Word he, like Luther, is convinced that the condemnation of error is the correlative of the confession of truth. The one is no less a duty than the other.

    As Luther says a preacher not only feeds the sheep but he must also keep the wolves from attacking the sheep and leading them astray with false doctrine and error, for the devil is never idle.

    Many people are willing to tolerate our preaching of the gospel as long as we do not cry out against the wolves.

    Rev. Rickert wisely and courageously speaks on behalf of Christ's sheep, entrusted to his care, and without a cue from outside the local congregation. .

    My wife and I would like to know more about your efforts in Beaufort.
    William and JoAnne Smith
    42 Catamaran Lane
    Okatie, SC 29909
    (843) 645-4400
    FAX (843) 645-4401
