
Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Worship for Pentecost 16 - 2011 (LWML Sunday)

Wednesday after Pentecost 15
September 28, 2011

The Lord be with you

Those who come to the blog regularly probably notice that there was no post before last Sunday’s worship service describing what would take place. Rest assured, we did gather together and worship the Lord. My schedule was such that I simply didn’t have time to produce the post. Sorry.

This coming Sunday is the Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost. It is also LWML Sunday. LWML stands for the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League. This is the national organization of women in the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod. Organized in 1942, they have helped countless missions around the world, produced faith affirming material for their members, and in general been a blessing from the Lord to all who somehow are touched by these ladies. Shoot, this year alone, the ladies of the LWML are giving over a $1,000,000.00 to 19 different missions around the world, And that doesn’t count all the gifts from local chapters and district groups.

As part of our recognition of the wonderful work these ladies are doing, not only in our local chapter at Lamb of God, but also the Carolinas District which they are part of, and the International LWML, our ladies will be front and center in our worship. At the sanctuary door greeting people and handing out bulletins will be Hazel Paul & Dorothy Koob. Martha Gibson & Pat Pike will be our ushers, receiving the offerings. Reading our assigned lessons from the word of God will be Connie Melton & Lynn Higgins. Kitty Rickert has prepared a special message for our youth. Carolyn Mullinax will deliver a special message which will give the congregation an update on the work the LWML is currently doing. Assisting Karen Hampton with their musical skills will be Dixie Chastain, Tina and Sarah Mullinax.

For our liturgy we will be using the Service of Prayer and Preaching (page 260). This is a non-communion service and uses the appointed Psalm instead of the appointed Introit. That Psalm is Psalm 26 (antiphon verse 8). Our other appointed lessons are: Jeremiah 15:15-21, Romans 12:9-21, and Matthew 16:21-28. The sermon again uses our lesson from Romans as its foundation and is titled “What Should I Do?” Our hymns will be “All the Earth with Joy Is Sounding” (LSB 462), “May We Thy Precepts, Lord, Fulfill” (LSB 698), and “Lutheran Women, One and All.” “All the Earth with Joy Is Sounding” is the hymn we are learning this month. “Lutheran Women, One and All” is the LWML hymn. The hymn is not in our hymnal so the words will be printed on an insert. The tune is the same tune used for the hymn “Come, Ye Thankful People, Come” (LSB 892). The tune is named St. George’s Windsor. This song is sung with great enthusiasm at ILWML gatherings. If you look at the words printed below, you might feel odd singing it if you are a man. I suggest the men think in terms of encouraging our ladies when they sing the hymn.

1. Lutheran women, one and all
We have heard the gospel call
We by faith have seen our Lord
Crucified and then restored
We have seen Him pay the price,
For our sins, a sacrifice
Him we Lord and Christ acclaim
And unite to praise His Name.

2. Lutheran women, young and old
Well we know His challenge bold;
"Help to take the gospel light
To a world in darkest night,
by example in the home,
by inviting those who roam,
by your prayers for sinners lost
by your gifts for missions' cost."

3. Lutheran women, coast to coast,
in the Lord Almighty Host
Let us all united be
In the Holy Trinity,
One in faith, in hope, and love,
Working for the Lord above,
Till, our earthly labors done,
We in heaven shall all be one.

The video below is of someone playing St. George’s Windsor on the organ (the tune used for “Lutheran Women, One and All”).

Sunday we will continue our trip through Matthew in our adult Bible class. Sunday we will pick up at the beginning of chapter 9. Class begins at 9:00 AM. As always, everyone is invited to come.

Preview of the Lessons

Jeremiah 15:15-21: Manassah is identified as one of the worst kings Judah ever had. Nonetheless, he ruled for almost 50 years. The major world power during his years was Assyria, and Manassah toed the Assyrian line. This allowed a certain amount of economic prosperity. However it also meant that Manassah brought the Assyrian gods and goddess to Judah, and their worship practices, including child sacrifices. It was because of Manassah’s religious policies that the Bible describes him in such dismal terms. Jeremiah began his ministry during Manassah’s reign. After Manassah’s death his son, Josiah, became king. Josiah led a massive reordering of the religious life of Judah, calling the people back to the true God. He is considered one of the truly great kings of Judah by the writers of the Bible. However this reform movement seemed to not really change the hearts of the people. Once Josiah died the average person went back to the ways of Manassah, as did the subsequent kings (though maybe not as radically as Manassah). The days of Josiah were the “golden years” for Jeremiah. Much to the surprise of the world, a new power emerged in Mesopotamia, Babylon, taking control of all of Assyria’s territory. On behalf of God, Jeremiah constantly warned the people to repent and accept Babylonian over-lordship. They would do neither. The results were that Judah was conquered, Jerusalem destroyed, and most of the leaders deported to Babylon. Jeremiah was often abused because of his faithfulness. Chapter 15 seems to come from the dark days after the death of Josiah. (Because the book is not arranged chronically, it can be difficult to determine exactly when some of the passages are delivered.) In 15:1-9 the Lord delivers his indictment against Judah and prescribes their punishment, which is the fall of the state to the Babylonians. Starting in verse 10 Jeremiah and the Lord have a bit of back and forth dialogue. Jeremiah is distressed because of such a message and the Lord strengthens Jeremiah. In the end, Jeremiah’s salvation will come from the Lord, not by caving into the sinful ways of the people of Judah. There is a way of life and a way of death. There always is. The way of life is always the way of the Lord. The people of Judah reject the Lord’s way and so will be destroyed. For the sake of the way of life, a remnant will be saved (though that remnant is not referred to in this reading). In this chapter God is still holding open the door of repentance to Judah, though he knows they will not take it.

Romans 12:9-21: This reading picks up right where last weeks reading ended. Last week's lesson introduced the idea of our lives as “living sacrifices” for the Lord. This week Paul continues the same general them of our Christian life and the vitally important role Christian love has in it. For more, come to Lamb of God and listen to the sermon.

Matthew 16:21-28: This lesson begins with the words, “From that time Jesus began …”. This points back to what just happened to determine when the events of the lesson take place and to put them in the proper context. Verses 13-20 contain Peter’s great confession that Jesus is “the Christ, the Son of the living God.” Jesus identifies this faith as a gift from the Father and the foundation of the Church. It comes as a shock, from a story line perspective, that Jesus uses this point of time to begin telling the disciples that he would be traveling to Jerusalem, not to take over things as the Lord’s Anointed, but to be betrayed, crucified, and die. While Jesus also told his followers that he would be raised on the third day, they apparently didn’t get it. Dead is, after all, dead. Peter speaks up, utterly rejecting the Lord’s plan. After praising Peter in the verses just prior to our reading, Jesus delivers his sternest rebuke of Peter, telling him that he is a hindrance, that he is putting his mind on the things of man, and even calling Peter “Satan.” Now Peter wasn’t possessed or anything like that. However anytime you oppose the Lord you have joined Satan’s team. Jesus goes on to speak of discipleship in terms of denying self, taking up your cross, and losing one life for the sake of Jesus. Those who do so will find, at the Second Coming, that they lost nothing and gained everything.

• Sunday Pastor Jeffrey Van Osdol will be installed as the pastor of Good Shepherd Lutheran in Charleston. The installation service will be at 4:00 in the afternoon. Pastor will participate in the service so he and Kitty will have to head right out after our worship service. The members of Lamb of God are invited.

• Pastor will be leaving before the sun rises Monday to head to Virginia for a gathering of Circuit Counselors. He will return late Tuesday night. This means the office will be closed Monday and Tuesday.

• Pastor’s Hermeneutics seminar will meet Thursday and Friday next week (the final two meetings). This means the office will be closed those two days. (As far as this seminar goes, it will also be in session tomorrow (Thursday) and the day following (Friday) so the office will be closed then as well.

• Our Cubs will be going to the Cottonwood Trail this Saturday. They will meet at Lamb of God at 10:00 AM.

• Junior Confirmation Class will meet Wednesday.

Well, I pray I’ll see you Sunday.

Blessings in Christ,
Pastor John Rickert

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

The Charge of the Light Brigade

Tuesday after Pentecost 15
September 27, 2011

On the surface, the poem The Charge of the Light Brigade by Tennyson is about an ill-fated military engagement during the Crimean War. The men of the Light Brigade rode into battle even though they knew the mission was a mistake. They were trying to recapture some cannons the Russians had captured earlier and were taking away from the battle field to put on display back home. In other words, the ride was for symbolic reasons. They rode forth and the Russian cannons opened fire. The cannons were not just in front of them but also on both sides. They fought with all their hearts, and actually broke through the line of cannon in front of them; however they were unable to capture a single cannon and were driven back. They rode back, cannon again firing on them. Most died. They fought with such courage that both sides spoke with great admiration concerning the men of the Light Brigade, even though they died in a foolish effort. They questioned not their orders. They had given themselves completely to their cause, to their leaders. Death was always a possibility, and they were willing to give their lives for the honor of the Light Brigade. In the end, most did die. After the battle, of course, the politicians and military leadership were mainly concerned about pointing the finger of blame for the charge at anyone except themselves. Who had blundered? Certainly not me! But none of that finger pointing could detract from the courage of the men who fought and died that day.

This poem came up in a conversation Kitty and I had and it has since been on my mind. I wonder, do we have the same loyalty to our Lord Jesus? If standing up for Jesus is going to cost us, do we question our orders? It doesn’t have to be something big. Are the movies and shows in the theaters or on television something Christ would have us avoid? Do we just complain about the slide in moral values but in the end support it with our pocketbooks or actions? Would Jesus have us pick a place of worship based on its facility? These are small things. What would the case be if our lives were on the line? Would we think that Someone had blundered when they said we should love the Lord with all our heart, soul, and mind? Would we relegate such total commitment to a relic of the past? Or would heaven and hell watch in wonder and awe at our honor, our courage, as we march into the valley of death? And, while I’m asking questions, do all our decisions we make when facing small choices condition us for the time we have to make a big choice?

Blessings in Christ,
Pastor Rickert

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Faith Lutheran's New Look

Saturday after Pentecost 13
September 17, 2011

The Lord be with you

I thought everyone would like to see the new look for Faith Lutheran in Beaufort.

Blessings in Christ,
Pastor Rickert

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Cheap Books

Wednesday after Pentecost 13
September 14, 2011

The Lord be with you

I received the following e-mail yesterday and thought that those who read this blog and still read books, might be quite interested. Therefore I’m sharing it with you.

Blessings in Christ,
Pastor Rickert

Dear Brother,

We are pleased to announce that the available back catalog of books from Concordia Seminary Press is now available at

Among the host of authors are C.F.W. Walther, Hermann Sasse, Robert Kolb, and others. The topics range from baptism and evangelism, to scripture and the church, to new models of biblical charity, and everything in between.

As a special offer, between now and Reformation Day, October 31, any purchase over $25 will receive a 25% discount off the total order. Simply insert the following coupon code in the space provided when completing your purchase at


And please feel free to share the coupon code discount with anybody you wish: friends and family, people in your congregation or ministry, readers at your web site or blog. The discount expires after October 31.

You can learn more about any of the books by visiting Or you can contact us at 314-505-7117 or (reply to this email).

It continues to be an honor to serve you in your ministry. As a Seminary community, we pray God’s blessings upon you and all those you serve.

In Christ,

Dr. William Schumacher
Dean of Theological Research and Publications
Concordia Seminary, St. Louis

Worship for Pentecost 13 - 2011

Thursday after Pentecost 13
September 15, 2011

The Lord be with you

This coming Sunday is the Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost. For our liturgy we will be using Matins (page 219). This is a non-communion service. Our opening hymn will be “All the Earth with Joy Is Sounding” (LSB 462). The sermon hymn will be “Spread the Reign of God the Lord” (LSB 830). The closing hymn will be “Thine the Amen, Thine the Praise” (LSB 680). The appointed lessons for the day are: Isaiah 56:1, 6-8; Romans 11:1-2a, 13-15, 28-32; Matthew 15:21-28. The sermon is once again based on our Epistle lesson as we continue our trip through Romans. It is titled “What About the Lost?” and the text is Romans 11:32.

Matins is one of those prayer services that developed in the monasteries throughout the Middle Ages and was part of their daily routine. This explains the differences from the first five settings for the morning service in our hymnal, which are based on the liturgy that developed in the churches where the town’s people worshiped each Sunday (called “Cathedral” services because they occurred in the Cathedral). Cathedral services always celebrated the Lord’s Supper. Nine different “Monastic Hours” (as they are sometimes called) developed in the monasteries and they each were prayed every day. When the monks received the Lord’s Supper they would attend the same service as the Laity and so there was never a need for the Monastic Hours to develop as a Communion service. Instead they are prayer services with a focus on praying through all the Psalms. Part of the way this is reflected in our modern form of the service is in the liturgical songs we sing which are drawn from the Psalms. Another way is for the congregation and pastor to sing/chant the appointed Psalm for the Day. Sunday that will be Psalm 67. The antiphon (a verse that is sung at the beginning and end of the Psalm and captures a main thought of the Psalm) will be verse 5.

The video below is of “Thine the Amen, Thine the Praise,” our closing hymn. The words for this hymn were written by Herbert F. Brokering (1926-2009), a former member of the American Lutheran Church (one of those denominations that helped form the ELCA). The music was composed by Carl F. Schalk (born 1929), who is a member of The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod. The hymn was published in 1983 and so could not be included in the Lutheran Book of Worship (© 1978) or Lutheran Worship (© 1982). However it is a great song both lyrically and musically and has quickly jumped Lutheran denominational lines to other churches.

Sunday we will continue our trip through Matthew in our adult Bible class. We will be picking-up at chapter eight, verse 14. Class begins at 9:00 AM. As always, everyone is invited to come.

Preview of the Lessons
Isaiah 56:1, 6-8: This whole reading, including the omitted verses, is about how the “covenant” of God is for all people. Thus Jesus quotes verse 7 in Matthew 21:13, “My house shall be called a house of prayer for all peoples.” How powerful God’s grace is is seen in verse 3 where two groups thought to be outside the realm of the covenant of grace are spoken of:
    Let not the foreigner who has joined himself to the LORD say,
    “the LORD will surely separate me from his people”:
    and let not the eunuch say,
    “Behold I am a dry tree.”
They are not to say such things because the Lord will not reject them. They are established forever. Worship features prominently in these verses. It is not that worship saves, but that one who is saved worships. So a sub-theme here is the importance of worship for maintaining one’s spiritual life. Of course the main theme is that God’s love is not restricted, but is for all people, all who come to faith in Christ Jesus our Lord. A sub-theme, then, is that we who have received God’s grace are not to horde it, but share it with others.

Romans 11:1-2a, 28-32: In this chapter Paul, the great “missionary to the Gentiles,” grapples with the rejection by the Jews of the promised Messiah. In the skipped verses he draws in the example of Elijah in the Old Testament. At the time of Elijah the Israelites by blood were also rejecting their God. Two stories are in mind. First, during a drought, Elijah sought refuge with the widow of Zarephath in the pagan area of Sidon (1 Kings 17). After some time this woman and her small family come to faith in the Lord. Second, after the drought ended, Elijah complained that he was the only believer in God left. The hard heart of the blood descendants of Abraham proved to be the opportunity for God’s grace to stretch beyond these national boundaries. Also, even though the majority of blood descendants had rejected God, 7000 had remained faithful. This remnant, coupled with the converted pagans, comprise the “true Israel.” The blood descendants of Abraham are not the children of promise because they have rejected the promise. Paul makes this same point with an analogy to a olive tree. Thus God is severe, rejecting those who reject him. Yet he is also merciful, granting salvation and inclusion into the family of God to all who receive his promises. Those who believe have always been the “true Israel.” The mystery Paul refers to in verses 25 and 26 has this background. When Paul says “in this way all Israel will be saved,” his is not referring to all the blood descendants of Abraham. (How could he when only 7000 believers existed in the days of Elijah?) “All Israel” means all those who believe in the Messiah promised to Israel, no matter what their ancestral background is. In every generation this includes some who are blood descendants of Abraham, but is never restricted to people with this genetic code. However God did pour great blessings on the blood descendants of Abraham and they do have a privilege position in salvation history. This can never be taken away. God also desires them to come to faith in their Messiah. When you read the word “Israel” in the New Testament you must always pay attention to the context to determine if “Israel according to the flesh” or “Israel according to the promise” is being referred to. The sermon is based on this reading but most of this information will not be in the sermon.

Matthew 15:21-28: This is a reading that has bothered many. In it a Canaanite woman approaches Jesus and asks him to cast a demon out of her daughter. Not only does Jesus refuse, but uses an analogy that makes the woman, and one would assume all Canaanites, dogs. Many have tried to soften the story by pointing out that the Greek word translated “dogs” is one used for pet dogs, and of course by the dog being around the table as the family eats accents that it is a pet dog. Still, whether it is a wild dog or a pet dog, Jesus seems far harder in this story than in many other accounts of his interaction with non-Jews. What makes the story harder is that Matthew provides no interpretative words along side the story. Of course Jesus does, in the end, heal this poor woman’s child, and that is what most focus on. For a full treatment of this passage you will just have to come to the adult Bible on Sunday when we get there. This is a quick summary. Jesus withdraws to this pagan area because persecution is picking up in Jewish areas. The Canaanite’s were ancient enemies of the Jews and crass idolaters. This woman, then, is about as unlikely a convert to the cause of Christ as one can imagine. While continually pleading for help Jesus appears to completely ignore her. The disciples take up her cause and start also pleading with Jesus to heal her daughter and dismiss her. This is the only why the pleading of the disciples to dismiss the woman makes sense as Jesus said to the disciples, “I was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel,” and “It is not right to take the children’s bread and throw it to the dogs.” The faith of the woman comes across in numerous ways. She call Jesus “Lord” three times, a title Matthew consistently has on the lips of Jesus’ disciples. She also remarkably calls Jesus the “Son of David,” indicating that she viewed Jesus as the promised Jewish Messiah. Finally she picks-up on Jesus’ comments to his disciples and doesn’t disagree with it, but draws an implication from it that might get her a hearing. Even pets get the scraps that fall from the table. (By the way, the ESV is correct in its translation “Yes, Lord, yet even …” in verse 27 unlike .most English translations that have this translated in an adversative or contrasting way.) Now Jesus acts, healing the girl and telling all she has a “great faith.” May the Lord be able to say the same about all of us. Even in the face of adversity she hung on to her faith. I’m reminded of the hymn “God Moves in a Mysterious Way.” Verse two reads:
    Judge not the Lord by feeble sense,
    But trust Him for His grace;
    Behind a frowning providence
    Faith sees a smiling face.
• The Church Council will meet after Sunday’s worship service in the library.

• Newsletter information for the October newsletter is due Sunday.

• Pastor’s Hermeneutics seminary begins tomorrow (Thursday) and continues for the next four weeks each Thursday and Friday, meaning the office will be closed on those days for four weeks.

• The office will also be closed Tuesday, September 20, as pastor will be in Asheville meeting with his GWU supervision group. .

• Pastor Jeffrey Van Osdol, who has filled in for Pastor Rickert a few times when he was out of town, has accepted a time restricted Call to Good Shepherd Lutheran in Charleston. The installation service will be Sunday, October 2. Good Shepherd meets in a rented Seventh Day Adventist Church (who worship on Saturdays). If Good Shepherd can make the arrangements, the installation will be in the afternoon, making it possible for circuit pastors and congregations to attend. If this happens, Pastor Rickert will perform the installation. The Call is “time restricted” because Good Shepherd’s current pastor, Rev. Timothy Sandeno, has been activated by the Navy. Pastor Sandeno is an office in the Reserves. He will be on active duty for a little over a year. When he returns he will resume his role at pastor of Good Shepherd.

• Junior Confirmation Class will meet Wednesday.

Well, I pray I’ll see you Sunday.

Blessings in Christ,
Pastor John Rickert

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Martin Luther by the Bangles

Saturday after Pentecost 11
September 10, 2011

The Lord be with you

A fellow pastor shared this with me. I hope you like it. I sure did.

Blessings in Christ,
Pastor Rickert

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Worship for Pentecost 12 - 2011

Thursday after Pentecost 12
September 8, 2011

The Lord be with you

This coming Sunday is the Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost. It also is the ten year anniversary of the terrorist attack that crashed two airplanes into the twin towers in New York City, another plane into the Pentagon in Arlington, VA, and a fourth plane that crashed without reaching its intended target in DC, because the passengers organized an effective resistance bringing the plane down in a field near Shanksville, Pennsylvania. While this anniversary will not be the major focus of our service, we will remember that day when nearly 3000 Americans died.

This coming Sunday is also Grandparent’s Day.

We will be using the third setting of the morning service for our liturgy (page 184). This will be a Communion Service. If you desire to attend you may prepare by reading Luther’s treatment of the Lord’s Supper in the Small Catechism. Our opening hymn will be “Thy Strong Word” (LSB 578). The sermon hymn will be “Have No Fear, Little Flock” (LSB 735). The closing hymn will be “Beautiful Savior” (LSB 537). Our distribution hymns will be “Forgive Us, Lord, for Shallow Thankfulness” (LSB 788); “O Lord, We Praise Thee” (LSB 617); “I Come, O Savior, to Thy Table” (LSB 618),

The appointed lessons for the day are: Job 38:4-18; Romans 10:5-17; Matthew 14:22-33. We continue our focus on the book of Romans. The sermon text will be Romans 10:17. The sermon title is “What Good Are Sermons?”

The video below is of the “Lutheranwarbler” playing and singing “Thy Strong Word.” She now 72 of the hymns in our hymnal recorded and posted on Youtube. “Thy Strong Word” was written by Martin H. Franzmann (1907-1976) in 1954. It first appeared in our worship books with the Worship Supplement (1969). It was also included in the Lutheran Book of Worship (1978) and Lutheran Worship (1982). Though during his lifetime Franzmann was probably thought of more as a great theologian, I expect it will be his hymns for which he will be remembered in the long-run. Aside from “Thy Strong Word” he also penned the following hymns in our hymnal: “Our Paschal Lamb, That Sets Us Free” (473), “With High Delight Let Us Unite” (483), “Preach You the Word” (586), “All Christians Who Have Been Baptized” (596), and “O God, O Lord of Heaven and Earth” (834).

Sunday we will continue our trip through Matthew in our adult Bible class. We have finished the Sermon on the Mount so we are picking up at the beginning of chapter 8. Matthew has indicated earlier that Jesus was healing people but this chapter has the first specific stories about Jesus doing that. I wonder why these are the first miracles Matthew specifically records in Jesus’ public ministry? Class begins at 9:00 AM. As always, everyone is invited to come.

Preview of the Lessons
Job 38:4-18: I expect most everyone knows the story of Job. He was a pious and wealthy man who, in very short order, lost everything. Several of his friends come to “comfort” him. Basically they say that Job deserved what happened and all he has to do is figure out what his sin was that brought about all his calamity, confess it, and then everything will turn out fine. (So far the story sounds very contemporary.) We know from the prologue that the friends are wrong. Job also knows they are wrong, but tends to agree with their general theology that material wealth corresponds with faithfulness to God and so he can’t figure out why calamity has befallen him. At the end of the book God appears to Job but doesn’t really tell Job why he has had all his troubles. In stead God maintains that we are to trust him even when we do not understand him and his ways. The main purpose of the book is to show that the Lord is our redeemer despite what we may suffer in this life. In the end, things do turn out well for Job as he regains his prosperity and then some. The book is poetry and so should be read as such. The time frame is during the age of the Patriarchs, so around 2000 BC. No one living knows who wrote the book. Sunday’s reading is from when God is confronting Job. The Lord demonstrates the limits of human knowledge. This is also a great passage for establishing God as the Creator of the material world.

Romans 10:5-17: This is the reading on which the sermon is based so I don’t want to say much. In short Paul distinguishes between Law and Gospel, outlining some of the uses for each, and indicating the vital place the Word of God has in life and salvation.

Matthew 14:22-33: This reading picks-up where last weeks reading left off. Jesus had just finished feeding over 5,000 people. Matthew tells us that Jesus “immediately” had the disciples get into a boat and travel to the other side of the Sea of Galilee while he dismissed the crowds and went to the hills to pray. Matthew uses the word “immediately” far more sparingly than Mark. In fact, in Matthew, it seems to emphasize key events: Jesus Baptism (3:16), the call of the first disciples (4:20, 22), Palm Sunday (21:2) and some healings (8:3; 20:34). In this case it seems Matthew wants to draw our attention to what happens on the water. The disciples are heading across the sea when some bad weather hit. As many of the disciples were fishermen and knew these waters they knew how dangerous the conditions were. However they also continued to work, trusting in their skills to get them through. After his time in prayer Jesus actually walks across the water. The disciples see him and at first are afraid. Jesus comforts them. Peter says, “Lord, if it is you, command me to come to you on the water.” Jesus does and Peter does. After making a good start Peter become afraid, losing his trust in Jesus, and begins to sink. Jesus saves him, but chides him for doubting. The get into the boat and the wind stops. The disciples recognize, if ever so imperfectly, that Jesus is the “Son of God.” This recognition of the disciples is, of course, the point Matthew is making. As with Job, so here; even when we don’t understand we are to trust the Lord.

• The Cub Council will meet after Sunday’s worship service in the library.

• Sunday is Grandparent’s Day

• Our Cub Scouts will meet Monday.

• The office will be closed Tuesday as pastor will be in Columbia at a Winkel meeting.

Women’s Bible Fellowship will meet on Wednesday.

Junior Confirmation Class will meet Wednesday.

• Pastor’s Hermeneutics class will have its first meeting on Thursday, meaning he will be in Boiling Springs, NC, all day Thursday and Friday.

Well, I pray I’ll see you Sunday.

Blessings in Christ,
Pastor John Rickert